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Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:26 pm
by Cerberus
I think its called, "the British disease". Not only contracted by models but seemingly the entire working female population under 30. Lazy, ignorant, self centred, workshy & totally unreliable!

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:41 pm
by KazB
Sorry to here about your experiences brerbear - there's nothing more frustrating than havng people waste your time - time after all is money and manners cost nothing.

On the other side of the coin I've had the similar problems with togs in the past - although I've also had the pleasure of working with some great ones too.

It's the nature of the business and I hope you won't continue to judge all models by the behavior of a select few. Unreliable behaviour does sadly give us all a bad name.

There are some great performers and models on here - if you ask around you'll be able to find out who is reliable and who isn't - I find reccommendaion is always the way forward when working with someone new.

Good luck for next time and I hope you have a better experience!

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:50 am
by Officer Dibble
I?m afraid this shit is indicative of the decadence and naffness of British society nowadays. It?s not just modelling and the feather bedded younger generation, it seems to be permeating most other areas of society and culture, as well. But adult entertainment is one of the hotspots nowadays as virtually all standards of appearance and professionalism have been jettisoned by the ?new wave? of performers and producers. At one time you either were a glamour photographer/producer or you weren?t. Same went for models - because if there was the slightest hint of lethargy, slothfulness, stupidity and unreliability proper photographers and producers would cry ? ?You?ll never work in this town again!? The girls who were not up to the job (hadn?t got their heads screwed on right and didn?t look glamorous and attractive) were soon weeded out. That changed at the end of the 90?s when new people started to get in on the act, people whose experience was zero, and whose only qualification was the ownership of a Dixon?s camcorder. They had no discipline, no standards, no artistry and maybe not the right motives for getting into this line of work. Maybe they weren?t in it to make money? Maybe they just got in it because they thought it might be an excellent way of getting to feel young birds up? The birds needn?t be attractive, professional or glamorous, any birds would do. Chav birds would do. Hence the bar was lowered. Now, if young Shazza and Tracy turned up 6 hours late with crap haircuts and covered in tattoos, it was no problem ? so long as they had ?a positive? (producer accommodating) attitude when they did get there.

So, the scene is set. What you find now is that many so-called ?models? (not all, of course) are the sort of untalented people who could not hold even the most menial of jobs down. Are these the new dream girls? No wonder the punters are apathetic nowadays. On the whole contemporary performers are just not the same calibre of girl who came to the fore in the 70?s and 80?s (and in some instances became almost household names). But it?s not all their fault; it?s our fault as well ? for being PC, for being apathetic. For not telling them straight when they look like shit, for not wagging the finger when they behave like deadbeats and wasters. For not setting any standards.

Officer Dibble

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:50 am
by Rude Boy
I'm Interested to read all this, albeit feeling rather smug, from my desk in....Eastern Europe. To be honest I would rather give up than go back to shooting in the UK, there's just one model I like to shoot in the UK at the mo' Why the UK scene is so far behind Europe is something that baffles me but I suspect the Officer is correct.

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 3:59 am
by planeterotica
Strange that KazB is the only model to reply to this post, or have all the other girls computers suddenly crashed just as they were about to tell us how reliable they allways are and never let any one down without a good reason.

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:49 am
by KazB
Professionalism is very important to me and I would hope to think that I always leave producer/photographer happy with my punctuality and the amount of effort I put into my job.

For example tonight I had a shoot with amateurs (camera club) that was badly paid compared what to I normally earn and travelling time was over 4 hours in total. I was called at the last minute from another company who asked me to go into work for them. If I did I would get more money for less hours and earn some brownie points in the bargain.....

So did I take the instant gratification?



Because whether I am working for a big production company or an amateur who only started taking pics last week - I treat my co workers and employers equally and with the respect I would like to receive.

Being passionate about your job means a desire to make your employers and co-workers happy and mosly putting professionalism first every time, even when it means missing out on somehing better.

So please don't right us all off yet brerbear - it saddens me to think that producers would steer away from using Brit girls.

I would love the opportunty to prove you wrong if your work is within my levels - I have a 100% perfect track record as far as I know, so if you fancy giving a final try with a conscientious & passionate Brit Girl I'd love to hear from you as it seems you possess the same ideals as myself.

If not then I wish you great success in everything you do.

Thanks for taking the time to read this


Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:31 am
by Rude Boy
It's a shame for the genuinely good UK models that the chancers have spoiled it for everyone and so many people have buggered off abroad to work. I'm so happy with everything about working in Europe that it would take an exceptional model to make me want to shoot in the UK again. An English Adriana Malkova or Mia Stone for example!

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:40 am
by davewells
Simple, because we live here and so do they and we all have to work here as well as go wherever Prague, Budapest, L.A. etc.

Re: How Do British Girls Get Work?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:28 am
by Wendy
I see it's bash the girls time again!

I wasn't going to say 'I've never let anyone down by not showing up when booked' but I will anyway. So yes there are reliable girls out there like KazB but the 'situation' in the porn industry is no different to any other - many people are just not reliable these days!

By way of ensuring balance in this thread here's some Producer speak-

1. Please be here by 10 - Mind you we won't be ready and will be running late. We won't have the set dressed or the lights set up until 4pm and you'll just have to wait around. We won't supply any food or drink and although we agreed what you'd be doing I've changed my mind and I now want you to be dp'ed for 2 hours.

2. We are professional film producers - Well, we've done a couple of low budget things in someone's dimly lighted council flat. We've a Digital8 camcorder and a 10W pag light though.

3. This is just for my own use - Prostitutes won't allow me to use a camera so I thought I'd try it on with a few porn actresses. Afterall you're all the same aren't you?

4. We'll pay the industry going rate - I don't know what this is and I can't be bothered to find out. ?100 for three hours isn't it?

5. What are your rates for X? - I know what I can afford and what I should be paying for X but I just want to see if (a) you're too stupid to ask for it or (b) who is the cheapest model so I can make more profit.

6. Can you come and do a shoot this afternoon/tomorrow 200miles from where you live? - I'm too disorganised to plan things in advance. Besides you don't have a life and are just sitting on the end of a phone waiting for me to call.

I could go on but then I'm already in danger of not getting any more work for being a 'stroppy model'. Just remember there are good models and bad models but the same applied to producers too! It's a market like any other and sooner or later the bad ones on either side get found out. I know who the good ones are, do you?
