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Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 1:31 pm
by Joe A
The Strongbox programme was written by a friend of mine and I use it on my sites. This is a programme I can definitely recommend :)

Here's his web site which has a lot of other useful information for webmasters

Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:03 pm
by Matt - A-W-D
Never looked back since dumping Pennywize in favour of Strongbox.

Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:25 pm
by Joe A
Matt and Samsung..

I just ICQ'd Ray the link to this thread... To let him know we appreciate his work for us :)

Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:06 pm
by Paul L
We are waiting with baited breath for the new version of Strongbox as our current server configs will not allow use of Strongbox.

Also Ray if you read this I don't think Adrian got a reply from you with regards whether Strongbox works over server clusters, and also we are planning to migrate the site to use a cluster but data held in storage arrays - will strongbox integrate ok with that?



Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:02 pm
by mart
Can I comment as a punter?
It's not just the ethics that concern me. My password has been hacked several times and its a bloody nuisance having to convince a webmaster that you are innocent.
Plus the invariable occurence of trolls on webcams who are a pain in the arse.


Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:07 pm
by raymor
As nachovx mentioned, there sure are lots of password sites with thousands of passwords listed.
Our database contains over 200,000 password sites which we spider daily looking for
passwords to our clients sites.

Paul, Strongbox will work on a cluster. Occasionally someone sets up a mirror and
calls it a cluster. A cluster, as I define it, uses seperate NFS servers or uses fam along
with rsync or some other method to make it so that the whole thing more or less appears
to be one large server so that scripts, including Strongbox, don't have to do anything
special to work on the cluster. Many if not most scripts won't work the same on a
simple mirror. On a mirror, Strongbox essentially protects each mirror seperately
as though they were two seperate sites. Webair is one host who can set you up with
a properly designed cluster that appears to your scripts as one super powerful server.

Re: Password Site

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:34 pm
by raymor
I forgot to say thank you to Joe and Matt for mentioning Strongbox.
It's realy good to hear that it's working well for you, as we have and
continue put thousands of hours of research and development time
into Strongbox and it's good to know that the time isn't being wasted.