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Re: Amateur Film Making

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 9:10 pm
by titanic
Not as daft as it may sound.
If you hired somone to give you a blowjob /shag then that is illegal as it is prostitution. So if you had a camera in your hand would the law class it any different?
If a model release etc was signed then it is clear that this is a paid shoot and as such you would remain inside the law.
However if it is for personnel use then there is a grey area here, I doubt the police would be that interested but by simply placing a camera in your hand and filming it I do think you might have left yourself open to some legal issues.
This is not a dig at the boy/girl models or the guys who film them but quite simply how i precive legal problems could occur on such shoots.
Please dont turn this thread into a slanging match.
It would be nice to hear some genuine constructive coments on this subject fom models both male and female and also the guys who shoot it as I have not seen a thread on this before.
Billy Ryan

Re: Amateur Film Making

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:14 pm
by Steven
His logic to it was that no model release form would be available to go with the home movie and if the tape ever fell into the wrong hands it could ruin that person's life as it was never made to be distributed in the first place.

Re: Amateur Film Making

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:43 pm
by titanic
A good point .
It could ruin the persons life if it fell into the wrong hands.
So with it being so easy and widespread to pirate it would not be unusual for it to be on sale at the local carboot.

Re: Amateur Film Making

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 5:57 am
by MisterC
titanic wrote:

> Not as daft as it may sound.
> If you hired somone to give you a blowjob /shag then that is
> illegal as it is prostitution.

Prostitution itself is perfectly legal, however soliciting for, a third party living off of and controlling it is illegal. On this basis any risk really falls with agents etc, although I think the police generally have better things to do with their time.

>So if you had a camera in your
> hand would the law class it any different?
> If a model release etc was signed then it is clear that this is
> a paid shoot and as such you would remain inside the law.

Good point as a release provides clear evidence of intent other than pure personal titilation.

Overall though I've got to agree that anything not publication for is a bit of a grey area in some aspects, although I supect that you would have to be very unlucky for there to be any comeback.