Adult Channel XXX & Splat

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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Nigel »

Hi Richard

Thanks for the comments. Like Caligula has also commented, the potential is here for a great online addition to the PB Family of channels with Spice Platinum being the one that I think most people will be interested in. Even Adult Channel XXX is entertaining, albeit a bit repetitive at the moment, but you say it's teething troubles so I can appreciate that and look forward to seeing what is in store once these issues have been resolved.

Again, like Caligula mentioned, perhaps maybe extending initial subscribers subscription period by an extra week to make up for the initial technical problems when the service was launched, would be a great gesture of goodwill and show that you are committed to the service (just a thought!)

Of course, if Ofcom wasn't dragging their heels over the whole R18 issue then we could be enjoying this material on the TV where it could be enjoyed on the big screen! I hope that when the results of the consultation are finally published, that it's in your favour!

Thanks again,

Kind regards
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Caligula »

As of now, Spice Platinum is still not being streamed, neither are any of the other channels.

All that is available is pre-recorded content with no live access now at all.

Many sites offer thousands of downloadable titles such as If I'd wished for pre-recorded content I could have joined other sites which offer much more value for money.

I joined Playboy TV Online on the understanding that the channels would be streamed live. Even Spice Platinum is now completely off air.

What is even more concerning is that Playboy TV Online has now changed its terms and conditions and removed the word "live" from the "services" part of this document.

I would be most grateful (as would members of Melonfarmers) for an update on the situation and a clear indication of when channels will be streamed live.

Human Rights = R18 on British TV ("british" now amended to "British" after John Beyer pointed out my typo)
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Caligula »

Regrettably the problem with Playboy TV Online has still not been sorted out.

If it wasn't for the fact that I am still hoping that Playboy live up to their original promise, then I would have cancelled by now. There are many sites on the net who respond to problems far quicker than this and live up to their promises in a far better fashion.

It I wanted to just watch a week's worth of pre-recorded repeats I could have dug out one of many VHS/DVD's I have. I signed up to the service on the understanding of being able to watch their live channels broadcast.

This could still be an excellent service, but time's running out for me and I will shortly be requesting a FULL refund if they do not sort the problem out soon or at least give me an update on the situation. The only reason I have not requested a refund yet is that if Playboy deliver the service originally stated then it is a service for which I am very keen to receive.

72 hours is up!

If they do not sort the problem out or have the decency to give an update then I'll request a full refund. Failing to receive that I will give a full report of the circumstances to my credit company who will investigate the matter for me.

I really hope that Playboy will sort this issue out soon. I'm amazed that a reputable company is letting its customers down in a way that a lot of much much smaller companies do not.

Human Rights = R18 on British TV ("british" now amended to "British" after John Beyer pointed out my typo)
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Nigel »

I must admit, I'm getting more frustrated as each day passes.

I'll check what's being broadcast on the Adult XXX Channels and as predicted, every night it's the same material that's been broadcast now constantly for the past week. That's one week with the same footage being shown over and over and over again. Like you Caligula, if I wanted to watch the same stuff repeated, I too would have just dug out an old DVD or VHS.

I too signed up for the live broadcasts and have failed to be provided with this. If Live feeds cannot be maintained, or there has been other problems, surely new footage could have been recorded and shown, rather than simply looping the same content for a week?

Like I said in my first post here, I appreciate that there were teething troubles, but the service is STILL not working and wasn't ready for launch. I can't for one minute imagine that we are the *only* two PBTV subscribers who are unhappy. I'm guessing that most don't know of the existence of BGAFD or MelonFarmers (I didn't until fairly recently).

I am also a bit annoyed that PBTV have made no comment (other than Richards posts here and there's been no feedback from him for three days since mentioning "mid week", which has now come and gone) with regards to the problems with the feeds - and what disturbs me more is the entire removal of the word "Live" from the T&C's on the PBTV site, as I signed up specifically on the belief I would be receiving the "Live" Spice Platinum Feed. I have emailed PBTV once already on Monday evening, but no one has got back to me yet.

I believe that we've both been patient and believe it or not, I'm not someone who complains easily! That said, this past week has tested my patience a little and have always said to myself that if by Sunday evening, I am not getting the service that I signed up for (or at the very least some good explanations about what is being done AND have a timescale in mind for the service to be made available as adverised AND receiving some form of recompense, such as a months extended subscription as a goodwill gesture), I too will be asking for a FULL refund of all monies paid so far (?49.99) due to PB's inability to provide me with the service I signed up for.

Now, I really don't want to do that as, again like I said in my first post, I believe that the online service has great potential and the first time I saw the footage from Adult XXX and Spice Platinum I was happy (but not when viewing it for the fiftieth time). I also don't see why early adopters should be penalised or have to suffer due to technical difficulties.

For my part, I hope my faith can be restored in PB and I await any comments ....
Paul Tavener
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Paul Tavener »

Looks like mid week has been and gone with little sign of any change or any further news from Playboy. Richard, if you are reading this I think a reply is called for concerning what is going on.

The idea of streamed content from an adult broadcaster is basically sound and will undoubtedly be the way forward in the future but it should not be introduced until it is working properly (even if there is a danger of the competition launching similar services).

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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Caligula »

A very "slight" improvement with Spice Platinum finally back on air but (and it's a bit BUT)

Spice Platinum is not being broadcast live (no logo and obviously recorded 'cause does not tie in with schedule), even though the title "Channel One Live" is still shown on top.

Also none of the other feeds have been updated or are currently live.

It would be nice if Playboy could advise whether Spice Platinum "LIVE" will be returning..... eventually?

Human Rights = R18 on British TV ("british" now amended to "British" after John Beyer pointed out my typo)
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by Heathray »

Richard, seeing as you don't respond to direct E-mails please give us some decent, new, explicit stuff on Sky. Your channels now have more fuckin repeats than a bowl of raw sprouts.

Over the past few weeks TAC/PBTV has got so tame it won't need to encrypt before long. Why? Last year you showed hardcore girl girl, last week's episode or Irregular Practice didn't show pubic hair, never mind genitalia. Bravo is harder than some of your output and they are FTA.

Answers please
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by malcom »

PB if you are reading this I have to second the complaint made by Heathray.

I have recently re-subscribed after a three year break. Thinking there would by now even under the ITC rules be an improvement in content strength. The opposite is true. Some of the old series which I remember from 3 years ago was stronger than the garbage that is being dished up in new series.

The exceptions are SXTV type live programmes. Not H/C as I know at present it is not allowed and may not be even after the Ofcom consultation. Even more reason to at least bring any new series starting on your channels at least up to the strength of the Live shows. That at least would be something to look forward to while awaiting Ofcom's decision on R18.

I ask and could you please give a specific reason why new material does not follow the same standard as Live programmes.....

As for your new PB on line venture I was tempted to update my connection and sign up to your broadband service. Having seen the technical trouble that you are in at the moment and the inadequate way you are communicating with PB on line subscribers I am utterly deterred from trying out the service for myself along with many others.
stm distribution
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by stm distribution »

the reason all these adult channels keep showing repeats is that most of the time they dont pay repeat fees so its all free to them,also a lot of producers wont sell their material to them cos they pay almost fuck all thats why you dont see much new stuff
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Re: Adult Channel XXX & Splat

Post by TheProf »

This is the trouble with all of them,pay wise,not worth the effort.This is how they become millionaires and the real professional ends up at the job centre.It's left to the people that can produce on such a budget that it shows on screen.

You pay peanuts then you get downgraded can see that with the high class CSI television productions from America,as against our sub-standard crime series.

Throw money at it and your ratings go through the roof.Penny pinch and you get nothing but bitching & moans from the general public.

You don't have to be a brain surgeon to work that out..

But then we never learn do we.
