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Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 5:58 am
by Paul L
Hi Charlotte,

You can get me on



Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 6:59 am
by rgb
Yes Joe, I noticed the odd stray single pixel in your pages ;-)


Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:59 am
by Riley
Complete bollocks about softcore one of our best selling sites is based on pure glamour girls next door and retro lingerie and anyone could live quite comfortably on it's annual turnover and the site grows daily.

True Glamour On the net since 1998

Retro Glamour DVD's

Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:16 am
by Joe A

You really are an idiot... I do not use single pixels as you suggest. If you knew me you would know that I don't even know how to do that.

I am good at marketing people and sites from knowing how to make my poorly designed sites, by using the correct wording that search engines love a hit for the se's. I've been doing this for 6 years and I've taught friends how to optimise their sites for SE's without using single pixels or any other trick and they have all had the same results and success.

I suggest you look at my sites more closely to see what I do. If you have eyes and a brain it's very obvious as there are no hidden tricks. It's there for all to see by either going through the whole index.htm and reading every word, mousing over images and even going to "View Source" and looking at my tags :)

Only one term/phrase I've ever used has been penalised but that was after the spammers who had nothing to do with UK or Indian used a lot of my wording for sites that were pop up hells or had nothing to do with the niche came along. The main culprit was a Swiss based webmaster. That's how much I looked in to what spammers do, to ensure the way I work is 100% acceptable :)

Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:38 am
by rgb
Yes, but you are a long established professional with a vast amount of good content and the ability/resources to produce a professional looking website and the internet marketing savvy to sell it.

My point is that a solo model is unlikely to make much money from her own soft content unless she has all these skills herself or the resources to buy them in.


Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:47 am
by rgb
I don't want to fall out with you Joe, but this code is on your home page:


I was admiring your skill - I wasn't having a go!


Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:02 am
by Riley
Point taken but there is also a human element in why people fail on the net it is called 'comittment' When they see 5 million plus hits a month on a site and wonder why they only made a ?100 quid it is time to go researching but the trouble is they're out blowing the ?100 instead of re investing.

There are solo model sites doing well but I have to admit for it to work and make a living they have added ' friends content' either linked galleries or licensed content but it can be done. Doesn't matter how sexy the model / girl is people will get bored and move on.

Glamorous Chicks Updated Galleries

Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:12 am
by Joe A
That link you just posted is to one of the trackers I use... Go to That is nothing I do to with gaining good se popularity. I also use and their tracker. Any script on my sites is theirs that is needed so I can get reports of where the surfers to the sites come from.

And note .. I think my designs are crap because even after 6 years in the biz I still use wysiwyg (Wht You See Is What Youi Get) as html is Greek to me and Java is Chinese.

As for a solo model site making money... I am currently trying to show one model who is planning her own site, how difficult it will be for her. I have the time to spend optimising sites, making galleries for affiliates and generally promoting sites on the net to gain members to them. She thinks that if she pays a webmaster to make a site for her he'll also have time to do all the extra work to get the surfers there. A friend will always do more than someone who is paid. The people who's business is to design sites for others and charge them for keeping it updated, usually have quite a few clients and so don't have the time to do the extra work involved no matter how much money they're offered. Even if the model is well known, if she doesn't have someone doing that little extra for her.. Her site will languish in the doldrums no matter how well known she is...

Before launching the Sahara Gets Dirty site in September, I had opened the Yahoo group and had been posting about her here and all over the net promoting her for months. The result was that within 30 mins of the site going live it had it's first two members. Sahara had done no major work and so was generally a new face but the site has really taken off due to that extra work, which is what is needed to be a success.. This is something that no money can ever pay for :)

Over the last week or so I have spoken to people who pay designers/webmasters to run their sites. One has discovered that the webmaster has left the UK and they can't find them. The other wanted to make major changes urgently to their site but their webmaster was on holiday for two weeks and so the changes couldn't be made. I've heard this story so many times. Even if the webmaster is reliable.. He'll never be on call 24/7 like a friend if necessary.

So Laughing Gravy.. work with a friend who is a webmaster.. They will do more to help you than anyone you ever pay to do the work :)

Re: Domain name and webhosting question..

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 12:21 pm
by Joe A

I explained that the piece of coding is nothing to do with the SE's, it's Sextrackers code back to them and is needed to obtain their traffic results. I have their tracker on over 30 other sites apart from UK Indian Girls :) If anything that code would get good positioning, not my site.

Regarding SE's and optimisation.. UK Indian Girls is the site that has the problems due to the spammers. If you use those three words with a space between them... You'll find cricket scores and everything but adult sites on the first god knows how many pages. This site was ok for over a year then the spammers moved in. Not only did they borrow my terms and wording, one even used the names I had made up for models on the site to gain good positioning... I had to ask them to change the page where they had that, as they had nothing to do with the models names they'd stolen and used. Their's wasn't even an Indian site. This is the reason I won't publish what I do now :)

I have been plagued by people cashing in on my ideas for years. There is one UK webmaster who became an affilate to one of my pay sites. He then bought a simlar domain name to promote his own sites to cash in on my sites se popularity... This is one of the reasons I won't publish what I do now or ever again :)