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Re: Fiona Cooper
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 1:56 pm
by John
I take it that you're also 'sickand' in a lower thread.
If people didn't like the solo and g/g work that FC produces then it wouldn't be made.
Some people like b/g, some people like g/g, some people like solo. Some people like all three.
The video producers cater to the marketplace.
Re: Fiona Cooper
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 3:23 pm
by sigh
John wrote:
> The video producers cater to the marketplace.
Poor reflection on the marketplace
A lot of people in UK simply don't know where they can get better
- probably a bit of both.
Re: Fiona Cooper
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 4:56 pm
by joey
Ever heard a saying: 'de gustibus non disputandum' ?
Apart from being generally true, it's also excellent advice for forum users (and moderators

Re: Fiona Cooper
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2001 5:16 pm
by PaulE
I've been a customer for many years but, especially in the last year or so, I think 'Fiona Cooper' has lost it! There's been little in the catalogues that has made me want to buy, while some of the girls - especially in the X ("inbetweenies") series look real dogs.
Also, the last batch of tapes I bought were all very same-y. The girls were all pretty, but everything started looking very much the same. Agreed many of the FC tapes are much the same, but these really were noticeably so.
OK, different strokes for different folks (lousy pun intended!), and there is obviously a market for what they're producing, but I'm afraid I'm no longer in the market.
In fact I've been doing some trades and, as of today, cleared what was left of my FC videos. I doubt I'll be looking for any more.
joey wrote:
> Ever heard a saying: 'de gustibus non disputandum' ?
> Apart from being generally true, it's also excellent advice
> for forum users (and moderators