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Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:08 pm
by spider
They can't deploy age verification but still reckon they can have a frictionless border supported by technological infrastructure between NI and the Republic after Brexit.

Deluded or what?

I'm just hoping they have Chris Grayling in charge of running the members ballot. What could go wrong.

Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 1:08 pm
by m100
Oh Boris, what have you done?

Ha ha.

Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:27 pm
by spider
I'm reminded of what Trump said.

He said something along the lines of "I could shoot someone dead in the street and my people would still vote for me."

I think this is the same for Boris and Conservative Party members.

I don't see what he could do which would stop Tory members voting for him.

I read an article yesterday that was talking about an opinion poll that had been carried out amongst Conservative Party members.

It said over 60% of members would still want a hard Brexit even if it caused serious damage to the economy. Even more still wanted a hard Brexit even if it meant Scotland leaving the union.

They are a bunch of Nutters.

I also saw an article that described Jeremy Hunt as a "Ken doll (as in Barbi and Ken) wearing a British Airways steward uniform". I thought it was funny.

Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:48 pm
by m100
Ha ha. I've seen Jeremy (we're on first name terms now) a few times on tv today and been trying to think of who he looked like - he's had a trip to the hairdressers I think - and that's exactly it.

Either of them will be PM for five minutes, pending by election to equal the scores in a confidence vote, only saved by the speaker but who's to say an old tory won't drop dead in the next few weeks or vote them down when faced with a no deal outcome.

Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:55 pm
by spider
Jeremy Spelling Mistake has said he's going to bring back Fox Hunting.

As this is such an important issue for the nation and a priority for the majority of electors I think he should be congratulated for making it one of his priorities.



Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:56 pm
by spider
Jeremy Spelling Mistake has said he's going to bring back Fox Hunting.

As this is such an important issue for the nation and a priority for the majority of electors I think he should be congratulated for making it one of his priorities.



Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:56 pm
by spider
Jeremy Spelling Mistake has said he's going to bring back Fox Hunting.

As this is such an important issue for the nation and a priority for the majority of electors I think he should be congratulated for making it one of his priorities.



Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 12:56 pm
by spider
Jeremy Spelling Mistake has said he's going to bring back Fox Hunting.

As this is such an important issue for the nation and a priority for the majority of electors I think he should be congratulated for making it one of his priorities.



Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:28 pm
by ninasbest
Figured we should have a new thread so we can hurl abuse at the deserving candidates ie all of them.

Mcvey out in the first round couldn't happen to a nastier piece of work.

Sad little man aint ya
You mean all the ones who were in the elected party, you know the WINNERS not runners up - also rans like a certain Jew hating party

Mcvey did a great job with all the benefit ponces, she got the numbers down for sure
Nice arse as well

Re: Tory Leadership

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 3:44 pm
by spider
Welcome back Nina. I've missed you.

You always give me a good laugh.

It's like when the loony gets on the bus and goes and goes sits next to someone else.You're always relieved that they haven't sat next to you, but you still get a good laugh.

I always find that really funny and you're like that loony on the bus, and being the internet you know there's no chance of having to sit next to you.
