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Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:40 pm
by spider
I see Corbyn meeting Martin McGuiness (who became Deputy First Minister in the Northern Ireland Assembly). He went on to meet the Queen on several occasions. Shook her hand, had a cup of tea with her and everything.

I also see him meeting with Gerry Adams, he was an elected member of the Westminster parliament you know.

I also recall that Thacher and Mayor's representatives were talking to the IRA throughout the troubles. They just did it in secret.

The good old days hey.

I hear they are coming back you know when that hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic comes back after Brexshit.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:39 pm
by tommy dickfingers
What you just written proves that corbyn and McDonnell(the IRA's useful idiots) had no impact in the peace process at all it was conservative governments secret back channels even after the brighton bombings had a better chance of a cease fire,as McDonnell said he wanted the IRA and armed struggle to succeed in achieving a united Ireland.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:11 pm
by spider
I think you'll find it was Tony Blair who actually achieved the Good Friday agreement.

I can't see how you can have it both ways. Either it's wrong to talk to terrorists or it's wrong to talk to terrorists.

Or is it only right when Tories talk to terrorists?

As I say the good times will be back soon.

After Brexshit it will be like the 70s and 80s in NI all over again.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:25 am
by ninasbest
Brexshit ha ha well done did you think of that all on your own
Im guessing lefty non democratic snowflake
Brexit bring it on , SIR NIGEL we owe you
Labour , if them shitcunts get in god help us, Jeremy and Dianne will bring even more shit in that want to murder us
May the best of a bad bunch
If i had my way i would have no women in politics, token bods

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 12:38 am
by ninasbest
After Brexshit it will be like the 70s and 80s in NI all over again.

Thought it was so good said it twice
Who ever gets in i want another vote, the people did not know why or who they were voting for and did not understand plicys lies etc
If its not a landslide say at least 75% of the vote it should not count
QT time finished the Abbott shagger with his comments about pushing the button , as we are being wiped out Jeremy would be writing a poem and a nice letter to the people who sent the Nuclear weapons over while having a nice cup of tea
Mind if they did get in , they would bump the police figures up, well it would be affordable as according to the delightful Dianne Abbott they would be on 8k a year !
oh forgot must not criticize her as if you do its because of her skin colour
Funny while all these intvs are now running she seems to have gone sick AGAIN
Everyone i know said they could never vote for Labour while she was in the party, BIB BIG mistake by Jeremy , maybe someone said to me she has something on him / small cock possb

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:44 am
by spider
"Thought it was so good said it twice"

I was following Mrs May's example.

Strong and Stable (my arse), I think I've heard say that about ten thousand times over the last month.

"Who ever gets in i want another vote"

I thought this is what all this General Election malarky was about. Didn't Mrs May say she needed a stronger mandate for when she starts negotiations with the EU?

Sir Nigel? I thought he was anti-establishment? It must be really eating him up that he's never going to get such an honour. I forget which constituency is he standing in again? Is it Pittsburgh?

I tend to agree with what you say about no women in politics. Just image the world without Margaret Thatcher or Theresa May!

I see Thresa is talking about taking away "Human Rights" this morning. Anyone taking bets that those Human Rights being diluted will include the right to consume "adult content" or "pornography" as she will call it?

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:29 am
by spider
Here's a video of Theresa getting some sausage.


Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:06 am
by spider
Strong and stable my arse.

She couldn't even build on her majority against a commie, terrorist loving, IRA supporting, Hamas hugging, beardy bastard!


Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:09 am
by m100
apparently 'strong and stable' was the brainchild of the same people who ran Cameron's campaign in 2010, 2015 and they were told it had become a joke but insisted on it in every speech. The evil little bitch is a gonner. even with the dup propping her up she can't run the country - a couple of by election defeats and that's gone as well. if sturgeon hadn't been so hell bent on a second referendum the snp would have kept half the seats it's lost and we'd be looking at a labour/snp/liberal coalition and a second brexit referendum.

Re: police numbers cut when may was home secretary

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:34 am
by spider
m100 - I have just checked.

You were predicting a hung parliament back on the 22nd May.

