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Re: foreigners who have been here 30 years plus

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:20 pm
by m100
but you've obviously read it or you wouldn't be able to quote it.

"some of the things arranged ive seen on some sites this country will have never seen anything like it"

can you tell me what that means? It makes no sense. At least learn to construct sentences properly in your native language before you criticise other cultures.

no i don't think everyone who voted leave is a racist. I know they are. Or to be more precise they are brainwashed, gullible, racists. You claim that is 'our usual out' - isn't that the same as labelling people 'lefties' on the basis of their tolerance of other religions and cultures? Though I'm happy to say i've always been and always will be a 'lefty'. Why would people who voted remain be defacing churchill's statue as I said before Churchill lead the fight against a similar hatred to the one you are quite happy to embrace. Unless you're willing to hold a seance we can never know what his thoughts would have been on the current state of europe. If you'd to see the state of my phone and the age you would know that i have no interest in them.

Re: foreigners who have been here 30 years plus

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:56 pm
by ninasbest
You are full of shit
Rascist Rascist Racist ha ha dullard see your "kind" just cant help yourself thats all youve got , you have been brainwashed same old shit, where do you live somewhere in the sticks i bet
Any muzzies near you , if so be careful , spose you love them as well
Go back to wearing your sandals eating lentils and making nice little banners

Re: foreigners who have been here 30 years plus

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:32 pm
by m100
ha ha ha, that's got to be the funniest post i've read on here in a long time. I live as far from 'the sticks' as it's possible to. Working class, run down factory town from birth. Yes there are muslims, lots of them, i'm happy to say. Many of which i would refer to as friends and i hope and believe they would return the compliment. I went to school with them in the seventies and eighties and college after that. My dad fought in the second world war. Then he worked in factories alongside muslims, west indians, africans and your other favourite nationality the polish. Why should I be fearful of any other culture or religion.? In 50+ years they have never done anything to me. Are you telling me for example that Jo Cox was secretly really murdered by muslims and not some far-right lunatic? Is it a coincidence you sum me up with one of the words he used against her? I've never worn sandals or eaten lentils either so you're stereotyping is as pointless as your hatred. And nor am i full of shit - i just had one, thanks.