so who wins the election??

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Arginald Valleywater
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Jock is not a racist term and Muppet is an old Navy term of endearment. And hurrah Tories increase majority in Carlisle....and John is a proud Scot btw..
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by fatmick »

That's the Liebour spin. In the last parliament there were 47 "anti-tory"(Lab + SNP) MP's in Scotland.
At the time of writing, it looks like there will be 57 "anti-tory" MP's.
Maths not your strong point?
Dick Moby
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Dick Moby »

Explain to me why Jock is not racist
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by william »


another referendum is on the cards - well two actually - UK out of europe and scotland out of the UK.....

England really doesnt have much in the way of friends, but then again they never did anyways...
Dick Moby
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Dick Moby »

Now I see the results of the election I'm not going to bother reporting you. Since it appears you can say what you want here I'll just say that the people of Scotland has shown what they think of thick Liebour supporters both Scottish and you guffs.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

And now McSalmond is back on the scene you should see zero unemployment, new roads and hospitals and free bagpipe lessons for all. Sturgeon is under horrific pressure to turn Scotland into the new promised land.......we are going to be watching with baited breath just over the border....
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by william »

just as long as you stay there not enough milk and honey for the racists....
Porn Baron
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Poor old Nigel

Post by Porn Baron »

UKIP get 4 million votes for 1 seat.
How many voted SNP for how many seats? Will the SNP back proportional representation?

I think Labour has seriously miscalulated the mood around England with regard to the high levels of immigration. Now Cameron has to organise an in/ out EU referendum before he leaves his job. He did say he was leaving didn't he? He will need to give Boris plenty of time before the next election?

Ed Balzz !disaster!

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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by bamboo »

Since his beloved Blackpool were relegated and now his beloved
Labour have been truly fisted, Dave Johnson has no doubt
ended it all. Oh well.

Before his neighbours start complaining about the awful stench and
flies, number 6 please can you go round to his house and make
the necessary arrangements.
You might be able to squeeze him into the Labour leadership coffin to
save money.

!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!
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Re: so who wins the election??

Post by sparky »

I admit I was way off and thought the prospects of either either party getting a significant lead let alone an outright majority were very slim.

I'm not surprised at the SNP winning 56 out of 59 seats nor that the Lib Dem's lost most of their seats. After his statement last night I trust Paddy Pantsdown has been shopping today for a hat to eat.

UKIP overall getting 12% of the vote and in 90+ constituencies coming second shows electoral reform is required since if the system was different their percentage of the vote may well have been rather higher.