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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:13 am
by max_tranmere
I suspect his clever lawyer managed to convince people he had dementia, in order to get the thing dropped. Disgraceful really.

Re: Peer will not face child sex abuse charges...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:15 am
by max_tranmere
"Friends in very high places"

Indeed. Perhaps we should all join the Freemasons. Imagine how many doors it would open and how many things that would otherwise happen to us now wouldn't happen.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:16 am
by max_tranmere
I wouldn't think the 'Jewish lobby' had much to do with this, I suspect Freemasonry as I've said.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:23 am
by max_tranmere
I always wonder how you become part of the 'British Establishment'. Greg Dyke is a member, so is Chris Patten, and so it Michael Grade. You leave one very high profile job, having not done it very well, then you immediately get another. Whether it's moving from having been head of the BBC to the head of the Football Association, from being the governor of Hong Kong to being the head of the BBC, or from being the head of Channel 4 to becoming the boss of the Royal Opera House. If you think about it, being experienced in the first one in each of those instances does NOT qualify you to be any good at the second, but they all go from one to the next, and get a massive salary at both. Being part of the Establishment is certainly very advantageous.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:32 am
by max_tranmere
I suspect the dementia thing was a smokescreen to get the prosecution dropped, and it worked. I'm not sure how they could establish later that the dementia was self-induced, I imagine the charge has been dropped for good and the case is now closed.

You sometimes get people who are too unwell to be tried. In the case of phychotic people, that is not what Janner is but I'll use this example as a parallel, they get put in a mental hospital like Broadmoor. So this confirms that even if someone is very unwell indeed and possibly wouldnt even grasp what was going on in the Court, they can still be banged up. So if someone doesn't have all their marbles they could still be tried surely - whether it's dementia, a phychotic issue, or whatever. I think its unfair that Janner has got off, particularly as the victims of sexual abuse are usually scarred for life.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:35 am
by max_tranmere
A lot of people will be angered by this Janner case - a case of the rich and well-connected getting treated differently to the average citizen.

I remember the Earnest Saunders Guinness case. Not only did he get released very very prematurely, but he was also allowed home whilst in prison for family barbeques and the like. It was appalling.

Essex Lad

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:38 am
by max_tranmere
Interesting to read about Janner's views on the war criminal. It is certainly double standards. I am amazed he has got away with this, as I've said in a few other comments on this thread he is probably a Freemason.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:42 am
by max_tranmere
Is Mr Vaz involved? I'm sure you're right but I'd not heard that. I must investigate online. Vaz usually does these things for self-publicity, remember the case of the family of the nurse who tragically killed herself after being pranked by those two Australian DJ's? Vaz was there in every photoshot, not even just standing on the sidelines but ensuring he was centre-stage. The Sun newspaper described him as a "publicity-hungry leech" when the photos appeared in the press. I've never liked that man.

Re: Peter

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 11:54 am
by Peter
I was, and still am, unaware of how serious his condition is. I was thinking more along the lines of if someone is bed-ridden, plumbed into machinery 24/7 thats the only thing keeping him alive, then I can accept in such circumstances, that not proceeding is the sensible route.

If of course he has a mystery illness which may at some point clear up......

Re: Peter

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 1:55 pm
by max_tranmere
Wikipedia has this to say:

"In 2009, Janner was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Its advancing severity means that he now requires round-the-clock care for his dementia."

He's very lucky they didn't charge and convict him when he was more able. He would now be in jail and would probably die there.