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Re: BBC Holocaust Season

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:18 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
I don't like being indoctrinated. I, like a good percentage of the UK population are well aware of what happens in the world. I know the Holocaust took place. It could happen again if ISIS get their way in the Middle East. Sad to say but lessons haven't been learned. The last Balkan War showed that all too easily. Pol Pot happened. North Korea is happening. America nuked two cities in Japan. Saddam used nerve agents on the Kurds....So all the hype is false. Man hasn't learned and won't in the future.

Re: BBC Holocaust Season

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:39 pm
by max_tranmere
There has been a lot on this week about the Holocaust, Channel 4 News have been live from Auschwitz these last two days. There have been programmes on BBC2 interviewing survivors this week too. People say this is kept alive in everyone's minds in order to prevent it happening again, it deserves to be remembered obviously as it was one of the most evil things that has EVER happened since the dawn of time (literally), but what I find sad and disappointing is that it HAS happened since, several times. Stalin killed as many if not more people in Russia in the years following World War 2 than Hitler did in Europe - ironically it was the Russians who had liberated the Nazi death camps and effectively ended World War 2 in Europe by taking Germany street by street. Just a few years later they were at it against their own people in Russia. There has also been Rwanda, where one million people were massacred in five weeks - on a pro rata basis that is the entire Nazi Holocaust in just thirty weeks! - more rapid than what the Nazi's did in Europe. There was also the killing fields of Cambodia.

Sadly and heartbreakingly these things have happened since and those evil incidents are not talked about like the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews is. It is said that highlighting and remembering the Holocaust in Europe will decrease the chances of it happening again - but we've had all the things I've mentioned and we also had Bosnia in the early-90's. There will always be evil and there will always be evil people - and bearing in mind that a war situation basically means anarchy, except for the rules laid down by the occupiers, evil can flourish as there is no comeback on the people doing it in that place, at least not then anyway.

The Nazi Holocaust will, and should be, always remembered, it is just a huge shame that it has happened several times since. We never seem to learn from what happens: World War 1 was supposed to be the 'War to end all wars', and it wasn't. 21 years later Europe was at it again, and the world has seen the huge genocides and massacres I've detailed here. It is important and right that all this Holocaust stuff is on TV, I just think they ought to have as much coverage of Russia, Cambodia, Rwanda and Bosnia too.

Re: BBC Holocaust Season

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:46 am
by william
"I do not need another grim documentary banging on about Birkenau or Treblinka. It happened. It was evil. And no we won't forget. Now move on"

After reading this statement - I really don't know what to say...

You honestly think this is about you ? Mate like the rest of us if something comes on we don't like click the clicker or turn the page - move on etc.

Trouble with these forums is that we get trolls and we get tossers from time to time - jury was out but then that statement I hope that its just you trying to be a troll.

Im not jewish and im not overtly religious but to make a comment like that about something that involved as much suffering and pure evil....I don't know.

Lest we forget the suffering of the many. People whos life was cut short and suffered terrible torture.
Not just in the concentration camps of the last world war, but still to this day.
We cant afford to forget and we cant afford to let this go. We have a duty to
those dead souls to ensure and try to ensure that the like of that never happens

Can never be forgotten or eradicated from history - and as people die people are born and they
need to be educated on this. So there is a need. As I said if you don't like it.

Turn the channel or move on.


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:10 am
by David Johnson
You have a completely different attitude to the British involvement in the Second World War as evidenced by your response to one of my posts.

What's the point you are making here. If it affects the death of British people it must never be forgotten. If it is about the deaths of 6 million Jews time to move on?

Re: BBC Holocaust Season

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:25 am
by one eyed jack
Sure you might not like it because it doesnt affect you but then dont trivialise how others feel abut it by insulting them with your "move on" remark.

I'm not jewish, but I can empathise with the suffering and destruction of famillies, broken loyalties to friends all because of hatred.

I dont see it as just about jews. i see it as about people. While we saw the germans as our enemies, no one stopped to think of the germans who sacrificed their lives being shot as traitors because they couldnt go against their own principals in the face of mass hatred.

Re: Argie

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:30 am
by videokim
What happened to the Jews was terrible should never have happened & my heart goes out to the families effected but the Jews themselves didn't learn by what happened to them & are now committing genocide themselves although not in the same scale but genocide all the same to the Palestinians.

I hope they have the same grace to hold ceremonies in years to come for their victims as others have done for them, the bullied usually end up the bullies.


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:25 pm
by David Johnson
the bullied usually end up the bullies.

Agree completely.


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:12 pm
by randyandy
One day two ordinary little girls, aged about 6, were playing Pat-a-cake, in a normal every day street.

One of the little girls was sat in the road, while the other was sat on the pavement.

It was just a normal day, just like today, a bit warmer but nothing special.

While the little girls were singing as they played a man, also in the road, walked up to them and shot the little girl sat in the road in the head, covering her little friend in her friends blood and brains before casually walking back to his 'friends'.

YES What happened to the JEWS was terrible - IT WAS FUCKING TERRIBLE.


Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:32 pm
by videokim
Yes it was Andy no doubt about it but Israel as a nation is doing similar to the Palestinians now yet no memorial will be erected for them poor sods.

No one on this thread as disagreed that the Holocaust was evil but the media now see Israel as a barbaric race who have murdered 1000's of people and stole their land.

Generations now just see a country worse than South Africa ever was who are on a mission to exterminate & wipe Palestine off the map...rings a bell like Germany years ago wouldn't you agree.

The Holocaust happened and can't be changed but Israel can still stop the genocide to people who let them share their land or end up being as bad as the Nazi's over the decades...only history will tell.

Re: Andy

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:29 pm
by videokim
Just the tip of the Iceberg in the mistreatment of the Palestinian people ... -treatment

And what about our own poor soldiers who were killed by Israel terrorists who were there as a peace keeping force in the 40's. ... r.East.htm

Jimmy Saville raised millions for charity but will only be remembered for the bad things he did and Israel now sadly the same, our generations feel sorry for the people murdered by the Nazi's but can't comprehend why Jewish people are now doing similar to defenseless people...if you know why please tell us.
