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Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:02 pm
by David Johnson
Seriously Max, my theory would be that if you live in London doing typically minimum wage work, there is no financial benefit whatsoever in working given

1. The poverty wages that the minimum wage provides.
2. The huge cost of rented accommodation in London.
3. The expense of public transport in London

There are far more people getting housing benefit in London that are in work.

The solution to this and a way to reducing the welfare bill is to:

1. Introduce a much higher minimum wage.
2. Introduce rent controls for rented accommodation.
3. Reduce the price of London Transport.


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:07 pm
by max_tranmere
Lol. How about the timing of YOUR posts Davey me old chum? I often work from home. Are you having a day-off from your 9-5 today? Or every day? Do you HAVE a 9-5?

Deptford, or 'Dole-ford' as I once heard someone describe it, is full of people like I described. So is Bermondsey. All the examples I gave previously, and everything I said in that comment, is true and accurate.

Seriously though, what is your theory on why such a large Benefit-dependency culture exists in areas of London that are so close to where all the work is?


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:17 pm
by max_tranmere
I agree those things would be a step towards sorting this out, but people are often better off on Benefit than working - as you've pointed out in the first half of your comment there. I've experienced appalling abuses in the workplace, I used to do long-term temping placements and you have no job protection at all, you can be let go at one-seconds notice.

The zero-hour contracts thing is the worst of all, I've never experienced it, but it is a terrible abuse of people. I don't know how that ever became legal.

There is CERTAINLY a culture of Benefit-dependency in a lot of inner London areas - you really are part of the club if you are on Benefits like everyone else around you. As I said earlier I've experienced the whole thing of being seen as an outsider, because I work, myself.

Re: Welfare Scroungers

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:32 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
I can assure you Max the new PIP (it replaced DLA) application process is not a guarantee. Much stiffer criteria and rightly so. I caught out a fraudster who claimed she couldn't leave the house for Agoraphobia but had a ?20k Ford Focus Titanium spec from Motability. Another Motability claimant dumped her 14 reg Fiesta with the 123 bhp 1 litre turbo because it WASN'T FAST ENOUGH. She now has a Mini Cooper Works spec also through Motability.
Scrounging is now an artform.

Re: David

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:48 am
by fatmick
I hate agreeing with you David but you are 100% correct on this one!
PS Max you cannot have more than one "Benefit Central"! ;-)

Re: David

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:32 am
by Arginald Valleywater
Of course there are ways to escape the so called "poverty" of getting free money, a house over your head etc.. Work is good. So is not having kids that we hard grafting tax payers have to feed, educate and clothe. Funny how Polish families, who speak virtually no English when they arrive can find work, keep a spotless house, go to school on time, be polite, pay rent (very few Polish tenants are on HB), attend church, join the local football team etc etc etc...

It's a hard life being a Lothario

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:01 am
by Porn Baron

Re: It's a hard life being a Lothario

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:00 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
In the words of the late, great philosophers Messrs Cook and Moore......"Fecking weerking claarrsssee!". Bet he votes Labour. No actually bet he isn't even on the electoral register.

Re: It's a hard life being a Lothario

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:10 pm
by ninasbest
cunt should be put down
Biggest mistake god made , far too easy to knock out sprogs
Should put the slags who have had his kids on the game as well, let them dop something for their keep


Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:55 am
by David Johnson
"Of course there are ways to escape the so called "poverty" of getting free money, a house over your head etc.. Work is good"

You still seem incapable of grasping that in many parts of the country there are more people in work claiming benefits than out of work.

Sit down, let your head clear and think to yourself "How can hotel, restaurant workers, shop workers, hospital porters, food preparers, home help carers etc etc. etc. in the south east, for example, survive if they did not get benefits such as housing benefits, working tax credits etc. in a world of self-employed work, zero hour contracts, limited social housing, no rent controls. They need this just to keep their head above water."

Have you grasped that yet Argie? Or are you still wallowing in a shit sea of ignorance?
