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Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:39 pm
by David Johnson
One thing you would be completely and utterly wrong to assume, Max, is that Sam finds this funny.

He is absolutely furious, wound up and incandescent with anger. You only have to read his posts over the last two or three days to realise that. I have tried to introduce some humour, but it didn't go anywhere in reducing his anger.

He is so angry he cannot even bear to link to any of my messages. He is so furious, he cannot even respond to me directly but can only address me in the third person. He is so pissed off he is coming up with threads entitled "Am I being ostracised".

Why is this? Best to ask him. My own views for what it is worth is that being a lapsed Muslim seems to make him particularly aggressive when someone like me tries to view positive aspects of Islam.

My other suspicion is that I have the impression that he ruled the roost on this forum for years before I came along and because I give him a good run for his money, discussion-wise he gets really pissed off and can't cope. It is as if his rigid belief that was once focused on Islam is now in the absence of that religious belief focused on his always being right on this forum.

But hey, I am quite happy to be totally and completely wrong in that.


Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 4:50 pm
by max_tranmere
Interesting comments from Sam and David. We can move past all this and get back to debating the usual stuff - politics, muslims, current affairs, immigration, new album releases, muslims, history, immigration, etc (did I mention immigration and muslims in there? I think I did. Lol. Some of the most lively debates on here, ever, have been on those subjects!)

By the way 'chilliman', are you someone who used to debate here regularly and left, and has now rejoined under another name? I am getting that impression! Lol.

Re: Am I being ostracized?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:27 pm
by Sam Slater
It is interesting to see David's comments regarding my 'anger'. I found it odd given I've expressed no anger at all.

I've been annoyed (mostly bringing alicia_fan_uk into our bickering).

Irritated? I suppose. His 2 year haranguing of me for voting Lib Dem, demanding I'm at his beck and call to answer his questions, his implication I was apathetic to Liverpool supporters deaths, his refusal to admit certain things he's said have been wrong, his misquoting me the other day and refusing to apologise when it's pointed out to him, his recent systematic attempts to remind others differences I've had with them with the sole purpose of ostracizing me from the group....yes, I've been irritated by all these things.

Dissapointed? Yes. We disagree on fewer things than we agree on, I feel. It's just his attitude which disappoints me.

But, angry? No. I don't think I've ever been angry with anyone on here. I do remember, however, David often accusing Jim Slip of being 'angry' and 'furious' in their slanging matches. I suppose Jim let that get to him which is why he doesn't post anymore.

What is most revealing really is his suspicion that I thought I 'ruled the roost' on here before he came along, and that somehow his presence has put my nose out of joint. Maybe this is why he's been so combatative with me and he sees himself as some saviour of the forum. It's a shame because I've never seen people on here as pieces in a hierarchy. It's also most likely the reason why he could never bring himself to apologise or back down in an argument even though he knew I was right. It would be conceding ground to the supposed guy that needed, as Alex Ferguson would say, 'knocking off his fucking perch'. I'm disappointed he saw things that way.

Like I said yesterday, it's all got a little nasty and personal. A shame really.

Re: Am I being ostracized?

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:36 pm
by Sam Slater
I see the bully is back.

When he left I hoped it was because he actually felt a little ashamed at his bullying behavior and that he'd come back with a sense perspective and a realisation of what he was doing.

Instead it was just a recharging of the batteries only for him to come back and carry on with absolutely no remorse at all. If that's not arrogance, what is?

Sam Slater

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:38 pm
by David Johnson
I merely disagree with some of your views and state why. If this is an offence, then I plead guilty.

Re: Am I being ostracized?

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:35 am
by Sam Slater
As everyone knows, disagreeing with a fellow forumite is one thing - repeated attempts to ostracize that forumite is another.

We all know David knows what he did. Once I called him out on it he didn't deny it, instead trying to pass it off as 'part of being on a forum'. The Keys and Gray defence. That in itself is an admission. Within hours he left the forum.

You'd think that after a week's sabbatical, even if he didn't want to apologize for his behavior he would have come back with a clean slate. Instead his very first posts are a pop at me and back to the ostracization tactics by allying with Robches over a topic he doesn't agree with him on. Slimeball.

If I'd been slagging him off to others all week I'd have more sympathy for his attitude. I never mentioned him all week so his attack was utterly uncalled for......but unfortunately pretty much expected given his character.

Re: Am I being ostracized?

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:55 am
by David Johnson
"!We all know David knows what he did."

Except for me. I cannot speak for anyone else.

"Once I called him out on it he didn't deny it, instead trying to pass it off as 'part of being on a forum'"

I categorically deny any attempt to ostracise you. This is my last post on this silly thread.

Re: Am I being ostracized?

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:52 pm
by WigBilly
Looks as if the Bitch Fight is back on after a week's respite then - swing those handbags girls, and no eye-gouging eh?


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 1:08 pm
by David Johnson
Yeah, you said it. Sigh!!!

Re: Am I being ostracized?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:53 am
by Sam Slater
As everyone can see, David is being disingenuous and trying to mislead people again. He just doesn't like the truth. And it is the truth.

As an example, he says:

""!We all know David knows what he did."

Except for me. I cannot speak for anyone else."

The above can be taken as a denial, right? Right. Fair enough. Like me with Robches, being falsely accused of something gives you the right to defend yourself. I have no problem with David denying he's trying to ostracize me.


Except when he's already pretty much admitted he has in an earlier post.

In summary:

Me: Why is David ostracizing me?

David: "It is part of being on a forum. If you can't take it, don't slag off one and all."

That's an admission, right? Right.

He firstly excuses his ostracizing and then after a week starts denying it even happened. So will the real David Johnson please stand up? Is he excusing his actions or denying them?

And he wonders why I call him a snidey, slithering snake of a man. Even when caught out in a lie.....even when caught out bullying....even when caught out being completely wrong he'll try and worm his way out of it. The man doesn't know what honesty is.

This thread may be silly to most people. To me it's revealing and isn't half as silly as David running off for a week only to come back with more attacks on me when I've not mentioned him all week. He can have no complaints.