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Re: Nob3y

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:18 pm
by william
Yep dont get obsessed with it ! Im doing it again this comming month going on the saver slim the food has just been delivered - its balanced and its low calorie made of veg protein.

The shakes are hot water and you can get some macaroni or carries that you add water and micro. It is starvation but it does work - there is no such thing as a slow metabolisim ! its an excuse lol, like I used to say Im just big boned.

Buy a few books look at the ketosis diet this is what these are based around, you really need tow atch though as the food groups are pretty specific and you have things you need to avoid - anything with citric acid in it knocks you out of ketosis, and you will take around 2-3 days to get back in. Ketosis is when you are buring up the fat stores in you or other words the weight.

I found the lack of meat hard to deal with on the lighterlife and didnt take too well to the regimented obsessive person running it - some take it as the be all and end all and I saw the hard times that they dished out, not for me, but it does work if yuo stick to it. Get the system for a month try it for a moneth and see how you go, if you can go the first week then it does get easier and you will do what you want and lose weight.

Let us know how you get on - Oh and look at Pauline Quirke how she did and what she did on the Lighter life - if your on facebook then look out for lighterlife as they are on there - research and find out what you can

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:26 pm
by Sam Slater
I think you're underestimating how many calories you're consuming. It's common among people who've been overweight from a young age. Their idea of a 'portion' is skewed. If you were doing 10 miles every day on a bike, and not losing weight, you're definitely eating too much. It's simple physics.

And here's a shocker for you: if you're overweight and overeating your metabolism won't be slow. In fact, it'll be at it's fastest right now. It WILL slow when dieting, though. And the more you diet, the slower it will get. That's why I recommend exercise. It will help keep your metabolism as high as it can be and put your body in fat-burning mode, not fat-conserving mode.

And now I'm going to be really harsh, here: you're going to fail. It's almost guaranteed. You want to know why? Because I deal with people with weight issues every day and saw the signs in your posts.

You talk about how you've always been big.
You talk about your slow metabolism.
You talk about trying the gym route and riding bikes that didn't work.
You telling us how you never eat a lot of bad things.

This all points to a person who doesn't want to take responsibility for their weight. You've not even started and you have the excuses all lined up for when you inevitably fail.

You'll fail this time like you've failed before. You'll give up and try again next year, and you'll fail again because you've got those same excuses stored away in your head.

The only way you're going to lose weight is to get serious, stop lying to yourself, make a plan and fucking stick to it.

Stop fucking about asking people on a porn forum and go find some healthy recipes online, get to your GP and have an MOT and then buy some decent running shoes and make a 6 month running plan aimed at beginners. Stick to it. If you work late, you'll just have to cook your dinner later and run later (working late is a great excuse to ring the local pizza delivery place, isn't it?).

A clich?, I know, but you'll get out of this what you put in.

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:43 pm
by william

Sam's talking crap...sorry carb ! You listen as he is talking sense here - you need to make plans and you need to treat it seriously - I wasnt going to be as blunt as what sam was but then maybe you need to hear it from someone and realise that if you dont change that mind set then you will FAIL.

Fuck everyone else ! its your weight issue your weight problem and its your hands that shovel the food in...

Eat less and exercise more - running is a good way build it up and keep it going dont need to do a marathon but regular runs that get the heart beat up and keep it up for a decent duration. Its bloody hard work and yes your body will crave food, it will crave thew sugar highs and you will start to notice all the food outlets on the way home.

If you set your mind and work on it then you will lose the weight, and like a pet its not just for christmas its for the rest of your life, you need to buy a set of scales and use them, putting weight on then stopp eating so much and start exercising more - find out how many calories are in a marsbar and then look to see what you need to do to burn that off - its a lot !

get your mind round that and your almost there. And hey lets get back to porn and perving.....

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 4:41 pm
by Nob3y
While there have been some good answers from some nice people your being as usual a cunt.
time and time again I have seen you spout your shit on here and let it slide.
but not now, your a cunt , lots here know it and have said words to that effect before.
Dont bother to reply anymore.If you cant be more polite then fuck off

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:31 pm
by Sam Slater
I did nothing but give you good, honest advice without patronising you.

It was supposed to be a kick up the backside that encouraged you to man-up and take responsibility. Instead you took the easy option of getting mad and insulting me. You've always took the easy option, which is why you're overweight in the first place.

If my advice is shoddily thought out then point it out. If you feel you've better advice from elsewhere then that's fine. But to call me a cunt just because you didn't get the arm round the shoulder and perfumed love letters you were looking for, tells me you're being the real cunt here.

Despite your childish outburst I hope you prove me wrong in my prediction that you'd fail. Good luck - you'll need it with an attitude like yours.

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 5:41 pm
by william

Take the bait man and prove him wrong...... thats the challenge now ! you dont need to take that shite so prove him wrong, its not an easy task to lose weight, its not easy or we would not have all those miracle diets and millions getting generated on milking the diet market.

Yeah we know sam is an antagonistic arse but by christ he adds colour and spice and keeps the forum alive. If we didnt have characters like that then this place would be boring..... Dont take it personal but use it to fuel your desire to give him the bird and lose the beef......

Your call mate.

(by the way was it me or Sam you were referring to ?)

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 6:45 pm
by Nob3y
Ive said it before and I will say it again your a cunt.
As for where I ask what its no concern of yours.

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:18 pm
by william
Ta for the compliment !

Was speaking through experiance - lost a lot of weight through LL and would recommend that to anyone.

I tried diets and would always fail - love food and love eating - it took me doing the LL to see my issues with food and to work round them. So speaking from Personal experiance I can look back and see the ways I set myself up so id fail - so Id get out of the diet as I hated it.... Not doing exercise and eating food when ever. Carbs are a huge killer terms of killing diets and also killing the person. I had a scare, reasonably bad one at that and it made me sit up, made me realise that I needed to do something about the excess weight.

So it was the LL that I followed.

I was the shovel as I said I liked my food - first in the queue of the pizza buffet and a regular at the drive throughs, easier than cooking and quicker too. So it was with that in mind that I tentatively approached the LL way.

Bought books and also read up on the web. Water being the key and being able to drink as much coffee and tea as I wanted as long as it had no milk or sugar, getting used to no coke, found M&S fizzy water along with a LL flavouring worked, yep it wasnt coke but it quenched the thirst. I aint rich so the LL started to fade, its expensive but the other link I posted gives the food packs without the high prices, same quality and same effect. I tend to do the porridge am and a soup midday with a spag / macaroni / chilli for diner and a bar in the evening along with a black coffee.

for three months followed this and three months attended the classes, start to under stand the sugar fix - and actually got myself a bit more healthier through cycling and running and joined a gym aswell. its all about moderation and realising when its boredom thing or a quick sugar fix instead of food that I wanted - realising that I was a food addict and getting through that and then understanding it.

I dont intend to offend - was only wanting to convey my own experiances, putting weight on over quite a few years and then working to lose it required a significant mind change. I went through this and feel better now for going through it. One of the things the class mentor did was make me lift up 4 stone when I had lost it and you know that was the ping moment. The moment that made me think about what I had achieved. Four stone is heavy and that excess weight I was carting about all the time, strain on the heart, strain on the legs and feet - this isnt good for anyone and some dont get that little fright that they need to make em lose the weight.

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 7:46 pm
by Sam Slater
No one has to agree with my methods but my intentions were clearly sincere and designed to motivate you. William saw this but you didn't because you're obviously somebody that isn't used to criticism....even in it's mildest form.

This all points to the same character flaws I pointed out earlier. You're more interested in abusing me that admitting YOU are the problem. You don't exercise enough, you eat too much, you've no willpower and want sympathy more than any real advice. It's much easier to see me as the 'cunt' than admitting your own weaknesses.

If you were a fifteen year old girl I'd have been more tactful, but you're a supposed adult man for fuck's sake. Stop being a whinging pussy and do something about your weight if it bothers you so much.

It's hardly cuntish to be helpful but honest.

Now send us a picture of those big tits of yours............NOW I'm being a cunt.

Re: Low carb diet

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:43 am
by Flat_Eric
Want to lose weight (or rather "fat") then just burn off more calories than you take in. It's that simple.

- Eric