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Re: Davey

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:44 pm
by Porn Baron
I don't agree with what he said but this should never have gone to court. We would have sorted it out behind the bike sheds.

Would it be racist if someone called me a white cunt? Would it go to court if I complained to the police? I doubt it. On your bike son.

I see Rio has called Ashley Cole a choc ice on twiter. Meaning he is black on the outside and white on the inside. Is it racist if a black guy insults a black guy with such a comment? This is all so stupid.

I can't believe football clubs allow their players to comment on twitter. They are more than likely to get themselves into trouble.

Re: Davey

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:20 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]I don't agree with what he said but this should never have gone to court. We would have sorted it out behind the bike sheds.[/quote]

So violence is the answer? Wouldn't that leave small, vulnerable people at the mercy of bigger people given that the smaller people are less likely to come out on top in a fight? In other words, lets create a world where we transfer the bullying of the playground into adult life and society in general. Great. I'll just call that little old lady across the street a 'hunchbacked, wrinkly, cobwebbed-cunt, scabby fucker' and if she says anything back I'll give her a Glasgow kiss. It's ok, she's no sons or nephews bigger than me.

Cuntish answer.

[quote]Would it be racist if someone called me a white cunt? Would it go to court if I complained to the police?[/quote]

Yes and yes, if you can prove it (which as we've seen, even with 2 million witnesses seeing it on TV, and video evidence still at hand, is very hard).

[quote]I see Rio has called Ashley Cole a choc ice on twiter.[/quote]

No he didn't. He laughed at a tweet from someone else calling Ashley Cole a 'choc ice', and called it 'classic'. You could say his reaction endorsed the accusation, but it's not the same as accusing Rio of calling Ashley Cole that. Maybe you're so intent on pinning the blame on some black guy you've overlooked what was actually said.

[quote]Is it racist if a black guy insults a black guy with such a comment?[/quote]

Well, Rio and Ashley or mixed race. I think that's important to remember and only respectful of the white parents in question. They, after all, carried their children in their wombs for 9 months, gave birth and brought them up. They should at least be credited for their existence. This is why I hate it when both black and white people label mixed race people as 'black'. It's disrespectful to the white parent and all that side of the family.

But I digress. Yes, 'choc ice' is racist as it implies that while you have black skin, you're white on the inside. And as I explained to Rodders in the other thread on this topic, it implies you're somehow a lesser person for being white on the inside; that being white is wrong, or bad. It's a very subtle form of racism but it is using race to deride somebody.

[quote]I can't believe football clubs allow their players to comment on twitter. They are more than likely to get themselves into trouble.[/quote]

True. Though as we've seen with Terry in the past, Lampard, Ferdinand, Rooney, Gerrard, Suarez, Ballotelli, Bellamy, Maradona and, of course, Mr. Joey Barton, they don't need twitter to get themselves waist-deep in the shit.

Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:21 pm
by Dick Moby
Why Sam? You're not worried about evidence or proof are you? Terry was found not guilty but you can't accept that. You obviously know a lot more than the judge.

Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:36 pm
by Sam Slater
I think Terry got away with it, but I accept the Judge's verdict. Accepting a decision and agreeing with it are two different things.

But thanks for ignoring all my other points.

Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:40 pm
by Dick Moby
If you accept the verdict then why do you think Terry got away with it? Did you have more information than the judge?

Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:08 pm
by Sam Slater
I've just explained that, quite clearly.

I believe that he called Anton Ferdinand a 'fucking black cunt'. Despite this, I accept the judges verdict. Why do you find this confusing?

Let me put it another way: I can 'believe' John Terry racially abused Anton Ferdinand at the same time as 'accepting' the argument that there's not enough evidence to convict him of the crime. They don't contradict each other.

Now I've been polite enough to explain my position (twice), surely I deserve some evidence for your accusation that all white people are considered guilty and all black people innocent 'round here'. Again, show me a post where a consensus of the forumites have excused or stuck up for a black person that's obviously done something wrong.


Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:09 pm
by Porn Baron
You are correct. But we are not talking about old ladies. We are talking about John Terry.
If I were Anton I would have sorted it out face to face. That may or may not have ended in a punch up. I believe they had that talk but Rio stirred up all the shit.

I don't believe many white guys would complain to the police about being called a white cunt. Maybe your right the police would take it seriously but I doub't it very much.

You say "Maybe you're so intent on pinning the blame on some black guy you've overlooked what was actually said." You mean mixed race guy? I do think Rio called all this fuss.

Like you said Rio was commenting on someones tweet. Is Rio racist? If he thinks john Terrys comment racist.Yes he is. More so in fact as Terrys comment was said in the heat of the moment. Maybe Cole should have a chat with Rio behind the bike sheds?

Re: Sam

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:29 pm
by David Johnson
"If I were Anton I would have sorted it out face to face. That may or may not have ended in a punch up. I believe they had that talk but Rio stirred up all the shit."

You are misinformed. You seem to be under the impression that Anton Ferdinand made an official complaint about Terry. He did not. The official complaint to the police was made by an off-duty policeman when he saw the Youtube footage of Terry. If anything, Ferdinand was an unwilling participant in this case and the Crown Prosecution even stated that "Ferdinand was difficult to get hold of".

Re: Sam

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:44 pm
by Porn Baron
No I didn't know. I was under the impression that Anton complained to QPR and then QPR reported Terry to the FA. The police should have stayed out of it.

Re: Sam

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:51 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]You are correct. But we are not talking about old ladies. We are talking about John Terry.
If I were Anton I would have sorted it out face to face.[/quote]

But Anton didn't hear John Terry call him a 'fucking black cunt'. And after the match John Terry asked him if he was accusing him of being racist to which Anton replied 'no'. He knew nothing until he girlfriend asked him if he'd seen the clip showing Terry mouthing those words on youtube.

Even then, it wasn't Anton or Rio that filed the complaint. It was a member of the public who'd seen it on TV (an ex police officer if I remember correctly). So all this stuff about Anton not sorting it out after the match, and Rio stirring it all up is rubbish. Anton had no idea and the police started their investigation without any goading or stirring up from Rio.

[quote]I don't believe many white guys would complain to the police about being called a white cunt.[/quote]

Maybe that's because not many white people feel threatened by racist comments about them (though may obviously be annoyed). And if they don't complain then that is their prerogative, and should not make a difference to a black person's complaint of racism to the police if he/she so chooses.

[quote]Maybe your right the police would take it seriously but I doub't it very much.[/quote]

Then that is a valid point about the police not doing their job properly, which I'm with you on completely. It should have nothing to do with whether racist abuse should be dealt with by the courts.

[quote]You say "Maybe you're so intent on pinning the blame on some black guy you've overlooked what was actually said." You mean mixed race guy?[/quote]

Yes. I was putting myself in your shoes.

[quote]I do think Rio called all this fuss.[/quote]

I don't. He spoke up for his younger brother. Some brothers are close, some not. Some are protective, some not. The 'fuss' was caused by John Terry saying the words 'fucking black cunt' while in an argument with a mixed race (many would label 'black') player. Regardless of whether it was meant as an insult or not, he said those words while knowing there are around 20 HD cameras in a lot of games these days, with millions watching at home. THAT was his first mistake and what caused all the fuss.

[quote]Like you said Rio was commenting on someones tweet. Is Rio racist?[/quote]

I don't know. Given he's mixed race I can only imagine he can have any racial hatred to non-white and non-black races. Unless he has some self-hatred, of course. A more sensible question would be 'Is Rio capable of saying something racist?' Well, that's an obvious 'yes'. Most people say things they don't really mean at some point in their lives. That doesn't excuse them, and they should be responsible for what they say and punished if what they say breaks any rules or laws.

[quote]If he thinks john Terrys comment racist.Yes he is. More so in fact as Terrys comment was said in the heat of the moment.[/quote]

How do you know Rio's response to that tweet wasn't in the heat of the moment? He could have just read it, or read an article on the case which pissed him off. Maybe been venting his anger and disappointment with a family member or friend as he read the tweet and replied. Maybe, which I think is more likely, given his further tweet, 'It was sarcasm!', he was just taking the piss out of John Terry's defence.

[quote]Maybe Cole should have a chat with Rio behind the bike sheds?[/quote]

I don't think that's a good idea, what with Rio being 6'2" and Cole about 5'8". If Cole was the athlete and Rio some fat bloke who drinks 20 pints every weekend then it might be more even.........but that's not the case.