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Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:55 am
by number 6

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:59 am
by max_tranmere
Not me.

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 12:50 pm
by Robches
Personally, I would be reluctant to convict on the basis of microscopically small pieces of so-called forensic evidence which the police have had for 16 years and only just found. There is also apparently some so-called fibre evidence, which is the biggest load of shite in God's creation. Fibres are far from unique, and prove nothing in themselves. Of course, that does not mean these two are innocent, and if there is sufficient evidence I hope they go down, but this latest "evidence" sounds very lame to me.

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:14 pm
by DavidS
I shall be very surprised if these two are convicted on this evidence. If the jury does find them guilty expect the Appeal Court to rule the verdict 'unsafe and unsatisfactory'.

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:24 pm
by Jonone
If you can foresee this outcome it's a waste of public money to proceed. If you can anticipate this why can't the CPS ?

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:30 pm
by Lizard
Seems more like a show trial to me, after all this time, the evidence would have to be new and overwhelming.

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:44 pm
by max_tranmere
Remember the Rodney King case in Los Angeles? The acquited Police officers went down at the second trail - proof that if the public make enough noise, and the media kick up a big stink about it, the conviction everyone wants is obtained.

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:14 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
I doubt justice will be done. It would be interesting to know who has been financially backing the Lawrence family all these years? Someone with a grudge against the Met? Louis Farrakhan's name was suggested a while back....I want the murderers to be brought to justice as much as anyone but have my serious doubts of the possibility of a totally fair trial with the massive media interference.

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:52 pm
by one eyed jack
Wow! So if blacks get a free pass on murder, I can go out and kill me some whiteys and get away with it????

As per usual, it doesnt take much to work out the disgruntled white folks on here that seem to think Stephen Lawrence is better off dead because he is black.

Consider yourselves no better than the murderers who killed him then, since you also forgot that Stephen Lawrence was also black and the judge told everyone to disregard the evidence from 18 years ago

I'm even hearing now not that Stephen Lawrence was a drug dealer on the way to kick some white folks head in for money they owed him and thi sis rumpours spread by someone in prison.

Funny that because the white guy in prison is also a convicted criminal and the media havent portrayed Stephen Lawrence as anyhting but a studious decent young black man who happened to have a white girlfriend in a racist white area of London.

The fact this case has been dragged out 18 years later is only due tothe fact his mother will not let it go. The reason why the police are trippingover themselves to try and justify it wasnt racism is because Stephens Lawrence was actually a decent chap who was muredered by a bunch of cowardly white racists who were too pussy to sqaure up with him on a one to one bt rush him en masse

Lets not forget one thing here Davey (Im singling you out here because you've made the crassest comments about htis thus far on this thread) that Stephen Lawrence was murdered and no one was brought to justice for it

Think about that just for a few seconds before you make dismissive comments.

If Lawrence was a mat eof the Old Bill there would be bodies turning up in ditches I'm sure.

This case is being drawn out as a show trial to make it lok like they are doing something about it but we know those two guys will get off. I cant make any assumption about them being innocent or not because I do not know them but it seems some of you on here think to the contrary.

Is there something you know about these two men that no one else knows in that courtroom?

Re: The Stephen Lawrence trial...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:13 pm
by number 6
Errrr,Stephens best mate and the guy who stood up in court today identified them.