I understand where you are coming from, however...
Firstly you state....
"You need to read the post properly, this is not coming from Cameron, all he has done is give his backing to the report,
"The report, which was prepared by Reg Bailey, the chief executive of the Christian charity Mothers' Union, finds "sexualised and gender stereotyped clothing, products and services for children are the biggest concerns for parents and many non-commercial organisations"
Lizard, given that Cameron had previously made many of the criticisms made in this report, prior to its commissioning by Cameron with "the chief executive of the Christian charity Mothers' Union" at its head, then we can hardly be shocked/horrified/surprised that the report agrees with his views and he backs the report!
If I commissioned the Head of Tourism in Blackpool to write a report on whether Blackpool was a great place to visit, I would not be hugely surprised if the report was in the affirmative.
Secondly, "Some Labour politicians have, however, called for regulation to be put in place faster,"
1, 2, 200? Besides, I thought this was a post about the Tories? Aren't they in government now and can't we judge them against their election promises to sweep away the nanny state and all the restrictions on civil liberties etc etc.? Or is that illegal now?
Then you finish "One can only conclude that you don't have a problem with the real issues involved here, ie : the "sexualised and gender stereotyped clothing, products and services for children."
This is a false conclusion and nowhere have I stated in this thread that I have no problem with the "sexualised and gender stereotyped clothing, products and services for children."
Perhaps I could suggest that you "need to read the post properly". I am totally against the sexualisation of pre-teen children by inappropriate clothing etc. As far as I am concerned, children should be allowed to have a childhood. I generally agree with Ravis's comment here
i.e. there is a mix of good and bad in the report recommendations.
Putting a magazine like FHM in a brown cover seems to me over the top. Re. music videos on television, isn't there already a government body that deals with that e.g. the review of the Rhianna video and the x factor performances of Christina Aquilera etc.?
I can remember as a kid looking forward to watching Benny Hill music videos on the box for obvious reasons. I guess in the new world of Cameron, this stuff would be at 11pm with a warning about explicit material.
I think the bottom line is that some of this report I agree with. Other aspects as mentioned seem to be part of the nanny/puritanical state where the responsibilities of the children's parents i.e. don't buy, never mind let your child wear an inappropriate piece of clothing for their age e.g. a padded bikini bra for a 7 year old, don't let them watch a tv programme if you think it is inappropriate (use the bloody on/off switch if need be, apparently all TVs have them), are subsumed into a state responsibility for providing endless rules in this area.