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Re: David Johnson = Nanny McPhee!
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:51 pm
by Dick Moby
Cue O.T. Forum debate by DJ.
Re: David Johnson = Nanny McPhee!
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:16 pm
by jimslip
Here's a couple of forums where DJ could air his views with no fear of dissent, well, most of the time.
Here's an light hearted example of a dialogue in the O/T forum in DJ's perfect world.
Thread starter, by DJ:
DJ :There was no crime under New Labour!
Mr x : I think you are wrong DJ, I know of a bicycle that was taken from my neighbours garden shed last year!
DJ : No, YOU are wrong, unless you can prove that the removal of the bicycle was an act intended to deny the owner of it, permanently, it is presumed "Borrowed" and therefore isn't a crime!"
Mr X: I stand corrected DJ and may I take this opportunity on congratulating , the ruling committee on generally making the UK such a wonderful place to live in, where the sun shines, everyone has enough to eat and all are happy!
DJ: I will pass your comments on, now fuck off as I tire of this banter!
Jim/PH/Dick Moby/Deano
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:30 pm
by David Johnson
See lads, you would be so much happier on your own little forum, chatting away amongst yourselves, like you are doing now. Always agreeing, without nasty people like David Johnson, questioning your views.
I think Lizard said he has his own forum. Why dont you join?
A little snapshot of life on that forum.
Jimbo Did you read about that bloke that got 2 days for killing an OAP?
[url] to daily[/url]
PH Yeah, fucking terrible. Whats the world coming to. He should have been sent back to Somaliland ages ago. You are so right Jim.
DM And he was on the dole. You are so right Jim. There's a bloke I know in my local pub who......
Deano You are so right, Jim. I bet if that nasty DJ was on this forum he would be bothering us with his New Labour bollocks. And he just refuses to agree with us. What on earth is wrong with that bloke?
PH Yeah too right. Its great here. He ain't taking the piss out of my "nice house, nice business, nice car, nice few bob in the bank".
All No he ain't. You've done very well for yourself, PH.
Lizard. Do any of you lads, want a nice cup of cocoa?
All. Oooh, yes please.
PH What do you lads think about sterilisation of young, single mums?
To be continued.
Have a nice evening boys, but dont leave any stains on the sofa.
Re: Jim/PH/Dick Moby/Deano
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:34 pm
by Sam Slater
Complete bollocks, David. The spelling, grammar and punctuation would be nowhere near that level.
Re: Jim/PH/Dick Moby/Deano
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:47 pm
by Dick Moby
Certainly a possibility David, but let's just take an alternative view as per labour party directives.
Why don't you and number 6 create your own forum and then you would never hear a wrong word against labour.
Surely it is easier for 2 to move than many and quite possibly would be the popular option for the members of the forum.
The only problem I can see is that it would not fit in with labour policy to do the easy and therefore cheapest option. Not to mention that it might infringe your human rights.
Re: Jim/PH/Dick Moby/Deano
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:50 pm
by Dick Moby
Quite right Sam.Feel free to fuck off and create your spelling and dictation forum.You could throw in political correctness as well.
Re: Jim/PH/Dick Moby/Deano
Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:16 pm
by Sam Slater
Chill out, Dickie. You all seem to be ganging up on David. I was merely giving him some support by way of a little jokey teasing.