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Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:14 pm
by Masie
You shouldnt sit quietly on this one.

E-mail your objections to - Attention of Ed Vaizey,

He also takes questions for a video response each month, especially send objections in the form of a question to -

If you're feeling really productive also forward your e-mail to your local councilor.


Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 2:51 pm
by David Johnson
Okay I will explain it you. Alas that I have to, but never mind.

Not unknown on the internet, I am playing a part.

The part that I have been playing in this thread is Jimslip in terms of his posts on myself and New Labour. If you dont believe me, just read the link here.

Err see any connection in their stupidity PH, between Jim's posts and mine here?

I just copied his style which you rightly describe as silly rantings and used a different subject i.e. the Lib Dem Cons instead of the Labour party.

If you can be arsed to do a search, you will find many more of a similar vein.

There you go. All explained.


Re: Jimslip/PH

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:09 pm
by David Johnson
Ok, give me another example and I will explain that one too.
Anything to help you stop being confused!


Re: Jimslip, Tory turncoat

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:26 pm
by Dick Moby
Totally agree PH. Methinks DJ has too much time on his hands.

Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 4:49 pm
by The Last Word
Bob Singleton wrote:

> In the we small hours of this morning (about 4.00am) on Five
> Live, they were doing a review of the Sunday papers and I
> recall them discussing an article in today's Sunday Times
> regarding this story.
> The best I can do, given it's now a subscription news site, is
> to just post a link to the main page of the ST web site which
> has the story in bold.

Yes, it made it to the front page. By sheer coincidence, of course, there's a shock-horror, porn-addiction, porn corrupts youth, type article in the ST magazine. Roughly the same as all the others you've ever read. Names have been changed, etc.

Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:13 pm
by frankthring

Dear porn producing friends and performers
That porn gets blocked in the UK is only a matter of time. It is
ultimately inevitable....
Why ? Well, because in the eyes of the media we are always
an easy target. In the eyes of politicians we remain the ultimate scum....
and never forget that there are no hypocrites like good, old fashioned
British hypocrites, especially the middle classes.
Personally I have been patiently waiting for the next major
loony sex killer in the class of West or Sutcliffe. The killer will say "Porn
made me do it" and down on the industry will fall the media and parliament
like a ton of bricks.
Just wait and see !

Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:26 pm
by Dick Moby
I'm not buying that.
I don't disagree that many people frown upon porn, but if you attempt to block it I can only suggest that somebody will find a way round it.
I have to agree about the hypocrites though.

Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:23 pm
by andy at handiwork
As I recall, Sutcliffe claimed god made him do it. I dont remember there being calls by the Daily Mail or similar for access to religion to be restricted.