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Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 7:30 pm
by Bob Singleton
Following the hype of Wayne Rooney's announcement of his desire to leave Manchester United, some fans posting in internet forums have told him he ''needs to take a good look in the mirror''.

Like that's going to cheer him up.

Re: Players Agents

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 8:44 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
They really are nothing more than PARASITES

How you go from one season where your so inform the loss of Cristiano Ronaldo is relegated to a distant memory to the injured out of form I want to leave smacks of a naive foolish boy being whose EGO is being stroked very nicely by his agent who of course is only looking out for what he can extract out of the clubs % wise

Would be funny if someone proposed a break away league based on clubs who had salary caps instead of the other way around

Then the clubs might actually stand half a chance of surviving long after the current star players have retired

Re: Players Agents

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:02 pm
by Kyle Richmond
speculation on sky sports last night that he will not now play another game for man utd.

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:28 am
by Dave Wells
I'm having visions of a NOTW type scam where he's met by some rich Arab and offered ?250k a week to play for City !!hmmm!!

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:50 am
by Zorro
What I have heard is Man U are forced to sell someone to service debits, just like Ronaldo was a forced sale before him. Rooney is the obvious choice as he is trouble, and we all know what Ferguson thinks of trouble.

This will continue every 12-18 months, and will cause the steady decline of United.

This is why Ferguson is so desperate to develop home grown talent from his youth team, they cost nothing, and United have nothing in the pot to spend (relatively speaking, there will always be a few transfers in and out).

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:02 am
by JamesW
Zorro, if you can make the effort to read Man Utd's accounts, you'll find that Man Utd are not in a positon where they are forced to sell anyone. Their bond debts are not repayable until 2017 and they currently have ?165m in cash deposits. Contrary to the story you tell, none of the Ronaldo money was used to service debts. Nothing like a good story though.

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:39 am
by Bob Singleton
Zorro wrote:

> What I have heard is Man U are forced to sell someone to
> service debits, just like Ronaldo was a forced sale before him.
> Rooney is the obvious choice as he is trouble, and we all know
> what Ferguson thinks of trouble.
> This will continue every 12-18 months, and will cause the
> steady decline of United.
> This is why Ferguson is so desperate to develop home grown
> talent from his youth team, they cost nothing, and United have
> nothing in the pot to spend (relatively speaking, there will
> always be a few transfers in and out).

I'm not a United fan, but even I can see that you are wide of the mark.

Ronaldo was not sold to service debts. Indeed Ronaldo's move to Real Madrid was a long drawn out on-off-on again saga that lasted close to 2 years! Real made very unsubtle overtures (bordering on tapping up) to a player who had always said that his dream had always been to play for Real Madrid. Eventually he went for ?80m but none of that money went to pay back debts. It was only a "forced" sale in so far as the pressure exerted by Real Madrid through the press and no doubt by Ronaldo in private led Man Utd to conclude that there could only really be one outcome.

I think ALL clubs, not just Man Utd, want to develop home grown players. This is even more important now to the bigger clubs competing in European competitions due to the various restrictions being imposed, which mean a club with a high proportion of highly skilled home trained talent won't need to spend as much money in the transfer market and possibly run the risk of falling foul of the financial restrictions about to come into place.

I think what may cause a decline in United's fortunes is NOT any perceived debt, but a lack of truly top quality replacements for the likes of Scholes, Giggs, Ferdinand and Rooney.

I fear for my own club in this regard... good though youngsters like Kakuta, McEachran, Borini etc are, they are not yet replacements for the likes of Drogba, Lampard, Terry etc.

No freedom of labour movement?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:17 pm
by David Johnson
I know that football teams engender huge loyalties amongst some of their fans but I really dont see why someone who is basically an employee should get such stick because he decides he wants to work somewhere else.
Do we use this approach with other professions? Fuck off History Teacher - its a year before my GSCE exam and you are moving to another school etc. etc.


Re: No freedom of labour movement?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:35 pm
by Bob Singleton
David Johnson wrote:

> Hi
> I know that football teams engender huge loyalties amongst some
> of their fans but I really dont see why someone who is
> basically an employee should get such stick because he decides
> he wants to work somewhere else.
> Do we use this approach with other professions? Fuck off
> History Teacher - its a year before my GSCE exam and you are
> moving to another school etc. etc.
> Cheers
> D

Those Man Utd fans calling him a traitor for wanting to leave have short memories... didn't Rooney once play for Everton??? And what about all the United fans discussing on message boards which player to buy as a replacement... surely whoever the club buy as a replacement is a "traitor" too!

The only person who is loyal to a club is the supporter. All the rest; managers, players, chairmen etc., are transient. The sooner ALL supporters accept that basic fact the fewer idiotic posts we'll see in forums.

Re: Slag Rooney on his way?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:50 pm
by Il doctori
Grossly over rated , over paid , fat whinging Scouser, hope he end up at Tranmere