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Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:25 pm
by Sam Slater
You really believe that, Peter? Really, really, really?

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:27 pm
by Peter
Sam Slater wrote:

> You really believe that, Peter? Really, really, really?

Yes. wanna test it?

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:46 pm
by Warpig
How wrong you are, I dont belong to the BNP or have never voted for them and when all you've got to bitch about is that i made a spelling mistake then you have nothing worth hearing.

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:49 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]Yes. wanna test it?[/quote]

Lol. You're so butch, Peter.

But, yes, let's test it. Your wife becomes fed up at you continually looking at porn, calls you a disgusting git and spits in your face. Will she be in for a 'ground and pounding', as you so eloquently put it? A damn good beating, maybe? After all, it doesn't matter who's side you're on. You said so yourself.

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:58 pm
by Sam Slater
Your right, I shouldn't have thrown you in with the BNP lot. Sorry.

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:06 pm
by one eyed jack
First off I dont agree with spitting at anyone (though Im prepared to make exceptions for rapists and kiddie fiddlers)

I would expect a good solid beat down if i did something like that and would brace myself expecting it because the only reason i would ever do it is to provoke a reaction out of the person I did that too

Which I wouldnt because spitting at someone has an emotion associated with it i just plain couldnt do

I dont even believe in spitting in the face of a racist either as I've found they have no love for themselves or their own kin if they hate someone because they they are different.

In fact I feel sorry for them because every day must be a cold day in hell if they walk out of the house and see a person of colour where they live..

To quote the american phrase: "Deal with it" Comes to mind.

Spit in my face and you should know what to expect

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:09 pm
by Peter
Sam Slater wrote:

> [quote]Yes. wanna test it?[/quote]
> Lol. You're so butch, Peter.

No, just replying in the same playground manner you asked your question in.

> But, yes, let's test it. Your wife becomes fed up at you
> continually looking at porn, calls you a disgusting git and
> spits in your face. Will she be in for a 'ground and pounding',
> as you so eloquently put it? A damn good beating, maybe? After
> all, it doesn't matter who's side you're on. You said so
> yourself.

Of course not. Men don't hit women. If you want to score a point by working to dictionary definitions of words rather than their conversational usage, go ahead.

Obviously there are parameters to these things. But you already knew that.

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:28 pm
by Sam Slater
"Anyone who spits deserves a ground and pound." - Those were your exact words, right?

Of course what you really mean is "Spitting's horrible but I want to choose who gets 'ground and pounded' and who I'll let off." My guess is that davey wouldn't have posted that if it was a white guy spitting at an asian and getting a kicking for his trouble.

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:29 pm
by Warpig
No worries, everyones entitled to there own opinions.

Re: Picked on the wrong bloke!

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:37 pm
by Peter
Sam Slater wrote:

> "Anyone who spits deserves a ground and pound." - Those were
> your exact words, right?
> Of course what you really mean is "Spitting's horrible but I
> want to choose who gets 'ground and pounded' and who I'll let
> off."

No, I said 'anyone' in the same way as i'd say "i'd kill for a beer". But you know that.

Now go and challenge One eyed jack for making the same comment.