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Some handy hints for giving up wanking and porn!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:25 pm
by jimslip
From Islam's version of "Dear Deidre's" problem page:

Re: Iran adds pornstars to its DEATH LIST

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:59 pm
by BGAFD Admin
jimslip wrote:

> Why do Muslims always want to KILL everyone? !confused!
> Perhaps they need to get laid a bit more on
> Earth, rather than in Heaven?

Please take care to distinguish the vast majority of Muslims who go about their lives without exhorting the murder of porn stars, or anyone else for that matter, from the rotten, theo-fascistic regimes governing them. Iranians citizens are currently losing their lives protesting against this vile administration. They don't deserve be tarred with the same brush.

Re: Iran adds pornstars to its DEATH LIST

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:11 pm
by Robches
jimslip wrote:

> Why do Muslims always want to KILL everyone? !confused!
> Perhaps they need to get laid a bit more on
> Earth, rather than in Heaven?

Perhaps because their religion was founded by a man who was a killer and a rapist, who married a six year old girl? Shit like that has got to fuck you up.


Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:15 pm
by David Johnson
Its a bit like someone tootling along to Church on a Sunday morning being lumped together with a Christian anti-abortionist who machine guns a doctor working in an abortion clinic.
Both Christians but a world apart!

Re: Agreed

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:19 pm
by Peter
Although it could be argued that those who choose to follow only the bits of their various religions that they find convenient aren't actually true muslims, christians, hindus, etc, and so stuff labelled as generalisations is in fact, accurate.

Just a 'devils advocate' viewpoint.

Re: Iran adds pornstars to its DEATH LIST

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:42 pm
by jimslip
Yes, you are correct and it was merely an oversight of mine not to add the word, "Extremist" after Muslim.

Re: Agreed

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:51 pm
by Sam Slater
You're right, from a literal point of view a 'moderate' Muslim or Christian is a bad Muslim or Christian, but that still doesn't excuse lazy generalisations. A moderate Muslim that is tolerant of homosexuality, for instance, may be looked upon as a bad Muslim by others of the faith but he/she would still class themselves as Muslim. We still class Anglicans as Christians despite them welcoming women and gay vicars these days. They're not the same as the 'God hates fags' crowd though and it would be unfair to lump them all together.