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Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:19 pm
by roll the dice
well done nick,i think you came over very well,and this show was EDITED,to make you look worse,lib geezer looked terrible like when alan partridge done his political chat a few years ago,a partridge over britain

Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:26 pm
by David Johnson
Roll the dice
I think you might have something there.

The Labour Party have been undermining the BNP for ages (see Max Tranmere for more information); the Conservative puppet generals slagged Nick off; those evil people at the Royal British Legion asked Nick to stop using the poppy symbol; as Nick said, the Labour party spent all that money bussing down opponents to stand outside the BBC including such Labour party supporters as the Socialist Workers Party; those puppets of the elite were nasty to Nick on the program and then that extreme leftist organisation the BBC edited the program!

If I had a comforter to stick in Nick Griffin's mouth to deal with all the bullying he has to put up with, I would let him have it.

Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:39 pm
by max_tranmere
It will be interesting to see how high the viewing figures were for tonight's show. Admittedly a lot would just have been watching because it so dominated the news networks all day, and I watched largely for that reason I guess. I said a few days ago that I wouldnt watch it as it seemed like it would just be a shouting match but when I saw some clips on the BBC News Channel around 9.00pm I got tempted. Whenever something gets saturation coverage in the build up it always gets huge numbers of people wanting to see it. Rather like how Titanic became the biggest movie ever or three-quarters of a million people going to see the Rugby open-top bus parade through London after we won the Rugby World Cup in 2003. A lot of people are like sheep and just follow. Maybe there is an element of that in me this evening in my decision to watch it, but the clips I saw around 9.00pm did seem interesting and I found myself tuning in at 10.35pm.

Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:57 pm
by max_tranmere
David, you make some valid points across the various threads on here but sometimes your sarcasm gets a bit much. It is fine to do it but it doesn't move the debate forwards. Are you aware that Ken Livingstone, the former London Mayor and prominent Labour party figure, is CHAIRMAN of the Unite Against Fascism organisation?

Read the first two lines of this:

Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:23 am
by mrmcfister
Great stuff,the troll seen for what he is...shallow,deluded and not very bright.Out of 100 people 6 will be twats.That is the BNP base.Unfortunately his cretins are given more credit than they deserve but thats democracy I guess.

Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:39 am
by Steve R
Mr Griffin acquitted himself remarkably well, particularly when one takes into account the general air of hostility that the BBC had skillfully orchestrated for him.

I would expect that his honest performance under such pressure will have broken down any vestigial barriers in the hearts and minds of many people who have been hesitant with regard to voting for, or perhaps joining, his party.

Steve R

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:16 am
by David Johnson
Your humour is very effective, very droll.


Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:24 am
by David Johnson
I prefer to use the word "satire".

As a typical racist, Nazi, homophobe Griffin comes up with this "the whole world is against us" stuff.

if you read my message that you responded to, all that I have said about Griffin's complaints are accurate. Everyone picks on him, everyone misquotes him, unbelievable.

Re: Nick Griffin on Question Time

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:01 am
by jimslip
Poor old Nick, a throw back to the 1930's, still beating the old racist drum, ie getting rid of the foreigners will solve all our problems. What bollocks.

He's completely misgauged the feeling of the normal man in the street, he being black or white. The guy that works for a living, runs a car, taxes it and mot's it. The man who pays his taxes and sends his kids to school. The man who never claims benefits. The man who is always called on to fight and die for his country.

This is the "man" who is being fucked over by everyone including:

The banks
the power companies
the tax man
his employer
the local council
the government
hoody scum

A new party that could elequently address the above issues would win with a landslide.