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Message for Jeanie

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:14 pm
by David Johnson
The post has now, as you can see been moved to the O/T Forum.
Please respond in public to the issues I have raised by replying to this thread, in particular the detailed questions asked.

I do not want to correspond via your email address, for the simple reason that your responses are of interest to all who are contributors to your Foundation as well as all of the people who have read your numerous posts requesting funds for the Jeanie Foundation.

Please respond in detail to the issues raised in my post.


Re: Message for Jeanie

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:37 pm

I have replied on a new topic listing.

There are Charities working in Gambia and they do not have anything to do with me.

If you are so concerned about Children and what they need why not help me raise funds and then you can discuss what we raised on these forums?


Re: Message for Jeanie

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:56 pm
by David Johnson
Your failure to respond to the questions raised at the start of this thread tells its own story. Your response is completely unacceptable.

Re: Message for Jeanie

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:00 pm
by Sam Slater
[quote]If you are so concerned about Children and what they need why not help me raise funds and then you can discuss what we raised on these forums?[/quote]

So you want people to donate money first before you'll discuss their worries about where there money is going? That's a bit arsehole-upwards, isn't it?

I've not really got involved with these numerous discussions and don't know you at all, but my advice would be to ease your doubters' worries as soon as possible by answering all questions they've raised. Of course you have a right to tell them to shove it, but that wouldn't be in your interest if you wanted people on-side, more trusting and thus more willing to part with their cash. Even if they still won't part with their money at least your honesty and willingness to cooperate sends out more positivity than you're sending now, and can only help the foundation.

You do seem a little evasive if you don't mind me saying so.

People like openness and honesty and I've encouraged that from others here before. Closing ranks or getting irritated does no one any favours and will make you look unprofessional. I'd learn from others' mistakes.

If you're legit then you've nothing to fear and peoples' worries easily and quickly soothed.

Re: Message for Jeanie

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:16 pm
by David Johnson
Well put Sam.
Given that Jeanie has inundated the Promotions Forum with requests for support over previous months, the failure to respond to genuine questions/concerns raised by potential contributors, in any detail whatsoever, is unfortunate to say the least.

Re: Message for Jeanie

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:24 pm
by Sam Slater
Cheers DJ. Glad you didn't mention my grammatical error !happy!

there/their *cough*

Re: Message for Jeanie

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:36 pm
by David Johnson
No problem's !happy!

Re: For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:02 pm
by KazB
That explains the incessant retarded posts and pushy e-mails from codename "Jeanie".

In fact I bet Jeanie doesn't even's probably some guy sat in another country in an internet cafe pretending to be some poor unsuspecting milf whose pics he's stolen.

Personally I won't be donating a single penny to "Jeanie" - if 'she' can PROOVE her existence and that her "project" is genuine I will donate ?25 to great Ormand street hospital anonymously. There we go Jeanie - if you care so much then putting everyones concerns to rest will 'help the kiddies'.

Re: For Jeanie and her foundation contributors

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:14 pm
by Annap
Kaz your right probably right she may not exist and she says she got kids herself sure she wouldnt have them on a porn site !!!

Anna P