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Re: Ronnie Biggs will rot in jail....

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 6:06 am
by max_tranmere
I never understood how, and why, that guy became a celebrity. What was the justification for that?

Re: Ronnie Biggs will rot in jail....

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:16 am
by davey

this little cunt is walking the streets but they keep a bedridden 80 year old man locked up?what hope is there for the future of this country?

Re: Ronnie Biggs will rot in jail....

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:23 am
by one eyed jack
You lot should be applauding the fact Ronnie Biggs is suffering. After all he is a criminaland thats the price you pay isnt it?

Personally I feel no where as strong as i do about that cunt Ian brady and Myra Hindley and ifit wasnt for the death of that train driver then I would have put him down to being a bit naughty, a bit mischievous for doing what he did in an era where it was the done thing to rob banks and be hailed as some kind of villain for it but when someone dies because of it then all bets are off.

That trian driver meant something to someone. Hislife should not be trivialised. Biggs has had time to enjoy his life as a result. it seems nature has its onw way of dispensing justice.

Re: Ronnie Biggs will rot in jail....

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:06 am
by Robches
Reggie Perrin wrote:

> Well the bed-ridden old man participated in a violent robbery
> when he was a young man, caused the death of an innocent man,

Reggie, you're full of shit. Driver Mills was coshed, he wasn't murdered, he died of leukaemia some years later. If he'd died, the train robbers would have been tried for murder wouldn't they?

The 30 year sentences the train robbers were given were seen as unfairly harsh at the time, and that is why the escapers had quite a bit of sympathy back then.

The fact is that Ronnie Biggs was a minor player in the great train robbery, he wasn't even on the train, he certainly didn't cosh driver Mills. For a creep like Jack Straw to keep him in gaol, despite the recommendations of the Parole Board, shows that this is just politcial grandstanding from a little man trying to look tough.

Re: Ronnie Biggs will rot in jail....

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:20 pm
by Robches
So for the record then, Driver Mills wasn't murdered, Ronnie Biggs didn't cosh him, and wasn't ever on the train.

Yes, let's keep a sick old man in gaol at huge cost to set some sort of example. While we're at it, let's keep Michael Shields in gaol as well. I think Jack Straw's having some sort of mid life crisis.

Re: Ronnie Biggs will rot in jail....

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:52 am
by Robches
Reggie Perrin wrote:

> Biggs was convicted fair and square, escaping from prison and
> going on the run for the next 35 years would tend to violate
> your chances of getting parole anyway. It's arrogant of him to
> assume that he would get the same deal as the others who served
> their sentences and didn't commit further criminal offences
> while still serving their sentences.

Since the Parole Board recommended him for parole, you are clearly wrong. This was a political decision by Jack Straw, nothing more.