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Re: Princess Anne...what an ugly twat

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:15 pm
by mrmcfister

Re: Princess Anne...what an ugly twat

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:44 pm
by Guilbert
>If you called her (Diana) a whore back in 1997 you could have got lynched.

Not true at all.

It was only AFTER she died she became a "saint".

In the period leading up to her death she was getting some terrible publicity because of her many "affairs" and going out with Dodi.

The day she dies I went out a bought the Sunday Mirror (printed before her death) - I still have it.

There was one column in there when this woman was having a RIGHT go at her, using some awful phrases.

The following week (after Diana's death) she had to make a humble apology, even though the article the previous week was written before Diana died.

Re: Princess Anne...what an ugly twat

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:01 pm
by Guilbert
Believe it or not I have found the Sunday Mirror from August 31st 1997 in one of my cupboards.

The woman having a go at Diana is Carole Malone

In the article she is having a go at Diana for saying too much to the press. she says

"The Princess I fear suffers from the "Open Gob Before Brain Engages" syndrome - a condition which affects the trivial and the brain dead".

She also says

"What we have here is a woman who has little common sense, even less judgement and a very convinient persecution complex which she drags out as a defence when her little publicty plots go belly up".

It is funny to read thngs like that when you see the adulation she has had since she died.

Re: Princess Anne...what an ugly twat

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:08 pm
by Guilbert
Funnily enough our current queen could like quite attrative in her younger days.

Re: Princess Anne...what an ugly twat

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:49 am
by Robches
So Princess Diana liked to shag. So what? She had an unhappy marriage. I doubt she was getting much from Charles, and I rather doubt she charged for it. Mind you, if she had, she wouldn't have needed the civil list would she?

Re: Princess Anne...what an ugly twat

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:46 am
by Steve R
mrmcfister wrote:

" Princess Anne...what an ugly twat"

So, you admit you've seen it then?