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Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:14 pm
by max_tranmere
Hi Eric, thanks for your kind words. It wont be for a few weeks yet, but I will keep you posted. Thanks for taking an interest. Anyone who is about to endure something that is quite heavy-duty like that is, is always uplifted when other people are supportive. So cheers bud...

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:06 pm
by Lizard
I knew Google were into street mapping, but this seems way over the top, is there no privacy anywhere...

Only joshing MT, hope all goes well.

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:31 am
by max_tranmere
Update. Well, I had it done last week! I went to a hospital in east London and had the examination! I had chickened out of having it done for ages then finally went ahead with it. I was told just beforehand that it wouldn't be a flexible cystoscopy after all, but a rigid cystoscopy instead! This is the equivilant to having something that resembles a nail (like a nail you hit into a piece of wood with a hammer) that is as thick as a pencil and one foot long put down your willy! I just said to myself I will take whatever comes and went through with it. As I was out for the whole thing I didn't experience anything they did to me, awake anyway, so all I got was the pain afterwards. They gave me certain things in the next couple of hours to keep the pain at bay and I was able to go home 2 or 3 hours after I had it done. My brother collected me and drove me home as I was a bit dopey. This hospital in east London has very good facilities.

The only thing that puzzled me was how I wasn't told very much afterwards, I assume they write to my GP and then the GP writes to me, or rings me, inviting me in, and then he will inform me of what the findings were - on the strength of what the consultant's letter said. I had a couple of days of soreness, then everything was fine, but in the last few days I've felt a kind of crushing feeling around my bladder area. It is weird that all feeling went away for a few days then returned. Sometimes the feeling is like your been kicked in the bollocks and that lingers for hours, sometimes it's a bit higher and further back, which I assume is your bladder area, sometimes just behind the base of your dick there is what feels like a crushing feeling, almost like someone had wrapped some tight twine around your pipe as it's strangling you, then other times you're fine for a few hours. It's weird, I had nothing after the soreness of the op wore off, then it came back 3 days ago. Could anyone explain any of this, and also is it normal procedure to not be informed immediately by the person who did the investigation and to have to wait weeks until you see your GP who will by then have the info to tell you? Any guidance/info is appreciated.

Calling Flat_Eric....

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:28 pm
by max_tranmere
Eric, are you there? You had some interesting things to say about this a couple of months ago, as your comments above show. Any further advice, comment, or whatever, on this would be appreciated. As I say I was a bit sore after the investigation, then ok, then pain came back over the last few days. You said your mate had it done.

Re: Having a 'cystoscopy' (a camera down the dick)..

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:36 pm
by max_tranmere