?100 million Football transfer

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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by JonnyHungwell »

What's it got to do with any of us in this country? It's the Abu Dhabi royal family paying money to an Italian football club - they can do whatever they want and pay Kaka whatever amount they feel fit.

Other people in the world being hard up or starving has nothing to do with it, they're totally separate things - that's for governments to sort out, assuming they have a desire to do so.
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by modfather »

Whats it got to do with us in this country? Well when clubs go out of buissness because of the obscene money being spent i will be pretty pissed off if its my club that goes to the wall, this will kill the game as we know it believe me.

Im glad i dont follow any prem league side cos the treat fans with utter contemp, instead of spending ridiculous fees and wages on these prima donas why dont they slash ticket prices, with the ammount of cash this arab has surely it should be fre admission at man city?

Will be interesting to see how many people dont renew season tickets next season
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by colonel »

Look at it like this. Kaka will pay subs to the PFA like every other professional footballer- a proportion of his wage.

Those subs alone will pay off the mortgage for some young pro forced out through injury; will pay the fees for retraining or a degree; or even pay for a convalescent home, care home fees or a widow's payment for some much loved old pro now in his 70s or 80s.

And the State won't need to.
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by TheHare »

Market Forces !

Look at it rationally.

This is the equivilent to the Arabs spending half a days wage on a hobby!

Kaka will pay for himself within 3 years i.e. global shirt sales, city negotiating their own tv rates etc.

Take Care & Have Fun !
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by Peter »

Their money, spend it on what they want.

(I don't think its value for money, however)
We have need of you again, great king.
Dave Wells
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by Dave Wells »

They should spend ?10 million on 10 players rather than ?100 million on 1 !

Dave Wells

Dave Wells
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by Dave Wells »

Plus, if they have these untold fortunes they should make all Citys season tickets ?25 each and seats on match day ?5 each.

This would :-

a). Make tickets a realistic price.
b). Fill out the ground every single game.
c). Pay back the most loyal and sometimes humiliated fans in the country.
d). Hopefully change every other clubs stupid ticket pricing bollocks.

Dave Wells

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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by modfather »

I was watching a programe where nat lofthouse and Tom finney were saying after games they used to travel home on public transport and mingle with the fans. If theyd had a bad game they were told in no uncertain terms, how times have changed all for the worst, a young kid cant even get near his idols now even training grounds are swarmed with security
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by crofter »

Whilst I do admire Dave Wells attitude on this matter ... I don't personally agree with him as I believe that (modern) footballers have shown that they are motivated in the following manner of mercenary:
5% Love of the game
5% Desire to win things
90% Pure Greed
0% Loyalty

Now the higher up or down the food chain the footballer is he might claim to have differening levels of these four attributes but it still amounts to the same constant thing (sometimes in a round about way):
90% Pure Greed
0% Loyalty

plus of course I think the bookmakers have Kaka as very short odds on to join City ... is Dave Wells saying these guys have got it all wrong then - who in their right mind would turn down the chance of a job offer from the richest guys on the planet especially when you aren't sure where your next couple of million are coming from??

Let's put it this way do you think that looking back (say 20 years from now) Kaka will think what a bad move (winning zilch) with Manchester City was - oh if he had only stayed at Milan he could have been proudly showing off a Champions League Winners Medal.

PEOPLE think Stephen Hawking is so clever, but when you ask him a question and he is typing in the answer on his little screen, how do we know he isn't just looking up the answer on the Internet?
Dave Wells
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Re: ?100 million Football transfer

Post by Dave Wells »

I wasn't talking about the deal from the players angle. Of course as a former player myself albeit semi-pro I would have gone for the dosh.

But that still doesn't mean that I agree with deal. I don't think he or anyone is worth that amount of money and I just feel that for that amount you could buy 9/10/11 very, very good players that will move us into that sacred top four - buying him (one player) won't.

Or am I just jealous ??? !!!!!!!!!!

Dave Wells
