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Re: Labour & UK immigration

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:33 am
by Jacques
I can post here, I choose not to due to Mike 'shouldn't be a' Freeman's presence.

By the way you can only read the public pages Colonel but then you know that, you could change that and actually see for yourself but you prefer cheap shots.

Right that's me done, back to my vow of silence unless Mike has been shown the door?

Re: Labour & UK immigration

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:01 am
by Von Boy
One thing you have over looked about the USA is that it is almost impossible to move there to live full time. Even the likes of Beckham and Cowell are on working visas only.

The yanks for ALL their faults treat their borders with far more respect then ever this government has for us over the last 11 years.

Re: Labour & UK immigration

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:59 am
by beutelwolf
Von Boy wrote:

> "if the uk re-elect labour after their lies and mis-management
> over immigration, then the British are all other
> people would give a government like that another term"
> Maybe he's wrong....maybe he's right ?

Here we go again, another xenophobic troll...

As if immigration were the biggest problem the UK is facing right now - or America, for that matter. They need a few immigrants to come up with the 45 trillion dollars (rather than 700 billion) that is the real hole in their banking system. That's 200 grand each man, woman and child over there. They'll probably have a hyperinflation for a few years that kills off the dollar completely, wipes out that debt, and let's everybody start from 0 after a currency reform. Immigration - small fish.

Re: Labour & UK immigration

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:05 am
by colonel
Thank you!

Two clear points to the xenophobes:

1. Economic growth is fostered through controlled and fair immigration.

2. Free movement of capital needs free movement of labour.

Re: Labour & UK immigration

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:33 am
by Von Boy
BUT point one HAS NOT been implimented by this government......when at the last election immigration was mentioned by the Tories the labour spin machine called them racists !!!!!

Also the only reason labour got back in at the last election was Blair's "promise" of serving a full term !!!....middle england women loved him.............but it was another lie to country......but i bet hes glad he got out and never took the flak for most of this....

Re: Labour & UK immigration

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:23 am
by colonel
The Tories wanted the usual sham immigration 'reforms' where you are judged by the colour of your skin and not the worth to the community.

The Australian points system that Labour are introducing is not racist- and it was the 'Tories' in Aussie who introduced it!

When will the Tories in Britain stop hating anyone who isn't white, middle-class and rich; and when will their 'useful idiots' who vote time after time for them see how shamefully the Tories use them.

I bet you're not a Viscount or a millionaire,eh, Von Boy?

Re: Labour & UK immigration

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:59 am
by max_tranmere
Racism and xenophobia are defined as an individual treating someone negatively, differntly, or excluding them from something, purely on the grounds of their race, colour, creed or religion. If someone is doing that then they deserve to be tagged with one of those terms. If not, then they don't and the person who is making the charge is devalueing the terms, and making themselves look a tad silly.

What has happened since the 1960's is that the television media has effectively become the Shadow Government of this country, and we have also had some absolutely dreadful Government's in power. The 1968 Race Relations Act, brought in by a socialist Government and was the thing that Enoch Powell made his infamous speech because of, basically hoped that everyone would melt together and the differnces between two people of differnt race, colour, creed or religion would be viewed by everyone as no differnt to the differnce between two people of differnt hair colour, differnt height and so on. They niaively, and rather stupidly, thought that no one would have any desire to hang with their own and to prefer their own colour, creed, race or religion when decideing who to live with and who to associate with.

This can all be blamed on that stupid useless socialist Government of the day. Encoh Powell's constituent in Wolverhampton, who wrote to him to say that she never ever saw another white person ever, and how she was ridiculed in the street and had shit put through her letterbox, earned her living by renting out rooms in her house. Her husband and both of her sons had been killed in World War 2 and thanks to this new piece of legislation, she was about to go from being the only white householder in her street, to being the only white person in her house!

She was forced, by law, to rent rooms out to everyone, even though she knew none of them would be white. She was reluctant to do this and wrote to her MP. She discovered through the local press, tv, and so on, that she would now be called a 'racist' and her life would be effectively ruined, unless she played ball. This woman had never seen black people before - everyone should remember that in those days a multi-racial society was only just beginning and we didn't live in a mass-media society, unlike now, where everything going on across the world is instantly on our tv screens and online.

So, all of the immigrants in her street and in her neighbourhood, could hang with their own, not assimilate, and have a strong preference to associate just with people like themselves. This woman didn't have such a choice, she was forced by law to associate with no one other than black people, and never see any white people again - unless she got on a bus and travelled for 10 minutes out of her area. Rooms in her house were available to anyone, but only black people would rent them as this was, by now, a totally black area (with the exception of her). The migration was so huge into the country then that we ended up with about 12 times as many people arriving as we anticipated. Entire villages and small towns were transplanted from one part of the world to here - immigrants had the same neighbours and would see the same people in the street each day as they did in the country they came from. Immigrants were not forced to assimilate, the host population was and would be vilified if they didn't.

This was a cock-up and a mis management by a Government on an epic scale. I think the only other thing in the 20th Century that was cocked-up so badly was the way the First World War was fought. All what happened in the 1960's, and we've seen it ever since, is that people ultimately want to hang out with their own, and that colour creed and religion are more than skin deep. I even saw an advert in a local London newspaper where the local authority was trying to find foster parents for a child (who was black) and in the ad it said they were looking for black parents to foster him.

If the kid was exceptionally tall, would they have asked for tall parents to foster him? If he had ginger hair would they have insisted on ginger haired parents to foster him? No. Colour though is regarded by the authories as differnt - or at least as far as minorities are concerned - as that advert proved. They see it is much more than skin deep, it is an identity and ethnic minority people really feel that. Another example proving this is the existance of a black newspaper. You dont get nespapers for blonde haired people, or for people who are short do you. This proves further that many see colour as much more than skin deep and as an identity. Why do these things otherwise?

Therefore it was very wrong to force this Wolverhampton women to associate with just black people and for her to be called a racist if she didn't. It's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. The indigeonous population were having rules made for them that didn't, and haven't since, applied to ethnic minorities. All these problems occuring because a stupid, useless, out of touch Government, hoped people would fuse together as one - then they discovered people didn't want to, so they, and the shadow Government which is the television media, started enforcing these unworkable rules, but only on the indigeonous population. There have been problems every single day since.

So what should have happened? They should have insisted that everyone who was coming assimilated and went along with how the country operated. The TV media, which is an almost Orwellian force within our society, should have never been allowed to become what it became: to decide what lives and what dies, who to vilify and who not to, to give large platforms to people no one has ever heard of, to go on Tv and vilify anyone they like - meaning the TV media are effectively doing the person's bidding for them, and for the TV media to be reminded of the fact that they are there to report the news not make the news.

A good (or rather bad) example of the TV media's power, this example was in the USA, was the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles where the city burned, billions of dollar of damage was caused and 50 people killed. Curfews were imposed, and the National Guard were called to impose a kind of Martial Law on the city for days and weeks aferwards. And why did it occur: because the TV media thought they would run the heavily edited video, of Rodney King being assualted, more than 1,000 times in a month and keep pushing and pushing until the whole city exploded. They got what they wanted.

Pretty much every problem to do with race and identity can be put down to past Governments having no idea what they were doing, recent Governments no caring about the subject at all, double standards and hypocrisy about what is expected from minority communities compared to what rules the indigeonous population are forced to abide by, and the TV media who stands guard over this issue and has created a very un-level playing field indeed. All of this has led to a huge increase in support for the far-right in Britain and all of it doesn't need to be happening. I have only ever known a mixed race society: it is something I am in all in favour of, and it is very sad, I think, that the far-right are on the rise.

I condemn them. I can, to a certain extent, understand why it is happening though. Some people feel that no one cares about them and their way of life, culture, heritage, traditions, language etc, yet care heavily about everything to do with minoriites. With immigration now at it's highest level for over one thousand years, the situation will only worsen.

Re: Labour & UK immigration

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:34 am
by max_tranmere
No one used terms like 'mixed race'? We lived in a mixed race society. Or do you think we dont?