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Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:50 pm
by randyandy
The only people responsible for the decline in British Porn is the people in the industry itself sadly.

You only have to look at the posts that make a complaint, see the negativity they receive and the industries 'justification' for the complaints being acceptable.

What the industry frequently describes as clever marketing equals rip off to most and when it happens it is no wonder people just look elsewhere.

We shouldn't see any posts about is such and such sites any good but we do because of those who con.

Although it never was acceptable (or at least should never have been acceptable) in the old days a punt was a punt and if you got what it said on the tin you were usually bloody lucky but those days have long passed.

Those within the industry who still think its acceptable are damaging the industry and those who support them really can't complain about the consequence.

For every one of the complaint posts or the is such and such posts made I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there are ten who haven't wrote anything but just thought *uck that it's British I'll stay clear.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:58 pm
by Peter
randyandy wrote:

> The only people responsible for the decline in British Porn is
> the people in the industry itself sadly.

Don't forget all the freeloaders who illegally download everything, never pay a penny for anything, and the complain about the quality. If they'd actually pay a realistic price for something, perhaps the 'tattooed geezer-bird gonzo'd in a travel lodge' would disappear, and something they like would get made. But it's all "anyone got any passes/rapidshare/sites for free porn?"

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:46 pm
by mrchapel
Bullshit. If you put a quality product out there then people will pay. At this point I`m a member of three sites. Why? Because torrents can take a week or more depending on seeder, give you a shitload of virus and spyware and if you download and don`t keep a decent upload ratio you get banned. Paying means I click and have the movie downloaded in under an hour, just click and no worrying about having to upload or run a virus scan.

You want custom? Try putting our some quality product because the majority of the net isn`t interested in a movie with a fat, geriatric or genetic disaster fucking blowing a dry load on some teens face. I`m always surprised Something hasn`t done an article on this in the horrors of porn section, under One night in China and fucking Clown porn

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 6:05 am
by one eyed jack
Oh this is the pied piper of posts isnt it? Every now and again we always come back to the same subject.

The decline in porn.

Its like the public cannot get enough of the bazillion scenees that are out there and in pursuit of the ultimate knuckle shuffler. That one scene that must be so horny that you cant stop yourself from having a wank and splashing your load while waiting at the bus stop.

It depends what 'tattooed geezer-bird gonzo'd in a travel lodge' are doing it. Whether it is any good is down to the publics opinion.

People seem to be used to tattooed birds and geezers and sofas now. Its quite universal in porn from the UK, Usa and Europe.

Travel Lodges are convenient for me as it lends a certain ambience to the proceedings. Especially if a couple have grown children running around the house.

Thats the reality of the situation but also it is very typical of britain that it is affordable to those shooting on a budget.

I mean, why go to the expense of shooting a tattoed geezer-bird gonzo'd up on a sofa in a plush location. The location only plays second or no fiddle to the sex anyway?

I look at the big american production and european productions and they use sofas and beds too.

"Try putting our some quality product because the majority of the net isn`t interested in a movie with a fat, geriatric or genetic disaster fucking blowing a dry load on some teens face"

But there is plenty of good quality porn out there Mr Chapel. So much in fact, it is hard to keep up. Briitish product too (mine notwithstanding) that you can easily give th ekind of porn you dislike a wide berth.

Contrary to popular thought, there is a group of people who do gravitate towards the fat geriatric disaster types and I've heard it from a bunch of blokes over the years that confirms porn is a source of entertainment and not necessarily for the solitary act of "cracking one out". Midget porn is way up there in popularity. I'm sure CrackWhore Confessionsdotcom is still ticking over quite nicely.

Its ironic isnt it?

How a thread that starts off by saying it is fed up of the industry moaning swiftly segues into the punters moaning about porn.

This is the forum after all to air your grievances. So I'm not knocking you for it. Just commenting back. (He says bracing himself for the ensuing torrent of abuse).

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:07 am
by Spanner
I agree there is some quality porn in the UK and some good people producing it. The replies to this email proves there is a need for British material and people are prepared to pay for it. If they get what they pay for.

The US and others in Europe seem to be better at marketing the product, to reach a wider audience. People are OK with paying for a lap dance in a bar and an expensive drink rather than buying British porn? Why is this, are the girls nicer and do they give you something you cannot get in porn?

Porn producers should spend money on generating interest in their quality material rather than complaining no one buys it.


Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:33 am
by Lucifer Sam
andy at handiwork wrote:

> It is illegal to sell 18R DVDs mail order in the UK, though not
> to have them sent from abroad it seems.
> BTW, having your eyes glued to anything for any length of time
> is definately bad for them. !wink!

Thats very true Andy!

There's about 5 online retailers I use regularly, all of them are based overseas; 2 in the States and 3 in Europe. I tend to buy stuff featuring particular stars or released by a particular studio rather than hope for the best although sometimes i'll get something if it looks good. Thats a bit hit and miss mostly though. When I first started buying dvds I didn't know any of the studios or stars just bought ones featuring women I fancied or the cover looked good! After awhile though, I found sites like this and EGAFD and the USA one IAFD which has been a great resource for me. Also remembering old pornos I saw years ago and finding out what they were called and who was in them.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:20 am
by andy at handiwork
Lucifer Sam wrote:

> remembering old pornos I saw years ago and finding out what
> they were called and who was in them.

Dont forget vintage-erotica-forum as a way of finding out the star and title of that obscure video from way back you vaguely remember. Not that I approve of all the rapid share downloading of other people's material that goes on there. But as a trip down memory lane its pretty good.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:45 am
by Lucifer Sam
i'll make a note of that one, thanks Andy

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 9:48 am
by one eyed jack
Its not so much the case that people are not buying the stuff as much as shops just not paying up in a timely fashion.

I still feel producers are getting the arse end of any deal where the UK shops are concerned and while I can take your comments on board, that is only the half of it.

Restriction of trade is the other big problem.

As for advertising? Well with the restriction to where you can sell it versus the cost of an advertising campaign I seriously doubt you will ever see the benefit of it where the shoips do exchange deals which would be illegal on mainstream dvds.

No doubt some of you will say its one excuse after another.

Yes it is.

Re: Decline in Porn.

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:46 pm
by jimslip
People cackled with laughter when I started to predict the collapse of porn in 2004. Basically although it is correct that people like seeing sex, the normal imagery within porn has become boring and jaded.

Everyone in the world has now seen a cock in a hole, big deal, yawn. Pornographers in their greed have helped to kill it off, mainly the Yanks. I remember the last time I tried porn surfing, 10 years ago, my computer would get frozen with fucking pop ups and shit within ten minutes. So people are afraid to surf.

I think 15 years ago someone who wanted a good time got a porn DVD, now that person will visit an escort or go to a sex party. No longer are consumers willing to watch some tosser in spandex shagging a blonde with stuck on tits, he wants to do it for himself.

I'm afraid things will get worse and worse. The demographic of the porn consumer has completely changed. I believe the original consumer was maybe a working class guy who now goes for free stuff. He has been replaced by a more middle class type, who doesn't want to surf, but merely locate his niche, for which he is happy to pay. This guy wants more than just a cock in a hole and "ooh aah ooh aah".

So folks it's time to board up the windows and get in the supplies, because in the next 5 years it's going to be a case of the, "Last man standing"