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Re: 9/11 poll

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:09 am
by colonel
You tell them, Keith!

Re: 9/11 poll

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:34 am
by Easter Egg
"I think 9/11 has got something to do with the way the USA supports Israel."

I think that's more than obvious. Israel politics regarding the Palestinians and the Occupied Territories has always been backed by the US with political, economical and military support.
It's THE major cause of the Middle-East conflict.
US support for Saudi-Arabia also contributed to 9/11.

Re: 9/11 poll

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:34 am
by JonnyHungwell
But it has prevented another nuclear bomb being dropped - so far! I would guess Iran will eventually have a nuclear bomb delivered to Tehran, courtesy of Israel.

Re: 9/11 poll

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:56 am
by colonel
The October Surprise, Jonny!

BTW- pleasantly surprised about you not being a Tory. We disagree on Labour-well, that's freedom of speech!

But don't knock the Celts buddy- it makes you come across as an imperialist, a racist and a cunt. And I don't think you are any of them.

Re: 9/11 poll

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:08 am
by andy at handiwork
The use of the atomic bomb on Japan may be many things but it was not a 'terrorist attack'. As I recall, a declared state of war existed between several soverign countries, and it was obvious that the Japanese ruling clique were not going to capitulate despite the very clear writing on the wall. Even after their use, and before sanity in the shape of the Emperor's belated intervention, the Japanese rulers were only admitting that 'the war was not necessarily going to Japan's advantage.' The dropping of the two bombs was no more 'terrorist' in the generally accepted use of the word, than the deliberate and systematic destruction by saturation fire bombing of Japan's cities, which killed an awful lot more people.

Whatever we may now think of the morality of the use of Little Boy and Fat Man, I think that the consequences of an American invasion of the Home Islands would have resulted in far more deaths on both sides. Whether the resultant balance of nuclear terror that has subsequently hung around our necks ever since was worth it I dont know.