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Re: Sex shop fiasco

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 3:31 pm
by crofter
so Pasta, basically there is only one licensed sex shop in Scotland (Edinburgh) where you can purchase R18 videos, does that sound like a fair market share, this shop should surely be brought up in front of the monopolies commission, has the familiar ring of except for viewers in Scotland hasn?t it, until someone starts taking a chance and selling R18 through mail order Jack Straw will have given us what we want if only we a) had the brass neck to go into a sex shop b) didn?t have severe misgivings about some of the crooks who run them.

Re: Sex shop fiasco

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2001 7:07 pm
by Callipygea
Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a toun surpasses,
For honest men, and bonnie lasses.

Burns, that great swiver, would turn in his grave.

Re: Sex shop fiasco

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 5:29 am
by Funky Spingers
There are 2 Sex Shops in Edinburgh. The Private one, and the good one (Leather & Lace)!

Re: Sex shop fiasco

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2001 11:36 am
by Pasta
I was actually told that there are two...the Private Lines one in Elm Row, Leith Walk, and another in Drummond Street. These are supposed to be the *licensed* ones. But you guys are right, whatever number, a handful of shops in one city for the whole of Scotland? Not much good, especially with no mail order of R18. But give it time, I am sure things will continue to move in the right direction.

In the mean time, it is the same old shit really, very bad for the consumer, very good for those lucky enough to actually get to sell some porn. Porn consumers rights should be protected from these monopoly situations. After all, if it is legal to sell then there should be a free and open market.

I'll settle for mail order imports right now, thank you very much.