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Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:11 pm
by eduardo
Ho ho.

I was looking for one of you Chelsea fans to bite.

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:50 pm
by fevrd
It's a historical fact that no matter how popular you are to start off with and how good you are at running a country, after ten years everyone is pissed off with you.

You can tell the Bible doesn't know what its talking about because it predicts that Jesus will return and reign for a thousand years. In reality, after ten years, people like planeterotica will be calling him a Sandal-Wearing Lump of Shite.


Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:44 am
by mrmcfister
Oh the odious turd Prescott got a mention..delighted to see his son was knocked back from gettinh his old seat the aother day.John Prestcott..what a total waste of space...

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:04 am
by randyandy
I suppose you could have always got the schooling and further education yourself Graham, done the same and got it paid for by the rest of us !laugh!

Despite not really being a drinker I am still livid about the tax rises on alcohol sold as a solution to binge drinking. !furious!

I am at a loss to explain your comments about council tax though. Surely everything your house value, website charges, pay etc have also gone up. !confused!

Just got my latest bill from our local Nu Tory Council by the way. It has risen while other services have been withdrawn. !annoyed!

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:24 pm
by planeterotica
Well yes i suppose this post is a bit of an outburst, but when i was born just after WW2 and food was still on ration and i still have an old ration book to prove it there was a case for the SS, but now when i see the young mothers driving around with their 4x4s and their brats poking their fingers up at us who i know are on handouts then it is time to call a halt to these hand outs, if people are really hungry then yes the SS was a good thing, but surely enough is enough !sad!

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:44 pm
by colonel
Sounds like a need to call the benefit fraud hotline, mate- but not one to reduce benefits.

Re: That Big Fat Lump Of Shite

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:24 pm
by leobloom
Commisar Blair took a well paid job at JP Morgan, didn't he? which begs the question as a trained soliciter(and someone who gave Brown almost unlimited
reign on the budget) ,What are what the hell are his credentials for THAT post?