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Re: More Money For Immigrants?
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:04 pm
by Trumpton
None of the main political parties is going to offer us the opportunity to end asylum seeking and/or immigration. These important subjects they dare not discuss becuase it will cause "offence" to the PC posturing establishment.
Re: More Money For Immigrants?
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:43 pm
by IG
I'd be more bothered by this subject if the traditional English population wasn't dominated by scrounging, whinging wankers to be honest. They are by far a bigger problem in terms of importance and volume than immigrants. The problems for councils and other public services is that the majority of immigrants end up in the deprived areas which are already stretched and under-funded in terms of real need anyway.
Re: More Money For Immigrants?
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:48 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
The asylum seeker issue is one that needs addressing worldwide
All are attemtpting to get to the USA & Europe/UK simply because they are a soft touch.
Internationally once you leave your country the next is where you should be received & given asylum.Seems the rich Western countries border the world
As for immigration...if you understand and speak english and have skills WELCOME
Re: More Money For Immigrants?
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:04 pm
by Officer Dibble
"I'd be more bothered by this subject if the traditional English population wasn't dominated by scrounging, whinging wankers to be honest."
Tell me about it. I've long campaigned against chavs, pikeys, divs, scummers, scroungers and nere-do-wells of every type. Just seen this report on the Telegraph's website -
It details the inexorable rise of people claiming Incapacity Benefit under this government and it's costing taxpayers (folks who work for a living) 7 billion a year. And the longer they?re off work, the more dough they get! It's fucking crazy! I'm sure there are some genuine and deserving cases amongst them, but almost everyone accepts that a huge proportion of Incapacity claimants are simply lazy or useless fuckers swinging the lead.
But you know why the Labour government hasn't done anything about this, don't you? That's right, they'd probably lose 2.4 million skiver?s votes at a stroke. The Labour party needs to keep people on benefits; it needs people who are beholden to it. Because although it has pored billions into expanding the public sector there are still not enough of those comparatively privileged middleclass public sector and professional voters to keep it in power. Unfortunately, it's the working poor who are bearing the brunt of having to fund the Labour party?s largess.
Officer Dibble
Re: More Money For Immigrants?
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:06 pm
by Guilbert
>Our town is loving them - we get our buses driven, schools cleaned, >factories manned, checkouts staffed, buildings built, etc, etc.
Whereas before they all came we had nobody to drive buses, dirty schools, nobody working in factories and on supermarket checkouts, and no buldings were built.
Dont be so stupid.
This mass immigration is a HUGE disaster for this country.
People say it is because we have too many old people so we need young people to come here to work and support them.
But what about when these 2 million new immigrants are old, do we have to bring in another 6 million to support THEM.
And what about when THEY are old, another 18 million to support them.
It is like some giant pyramid selling scheme, in the long term it just does not add up.
Or do we hope these immigrants breed like rabbits, and if so we will have a huge child population made up of asians, blacks, poles, romanians etc. Oh the joy.
Being in my late 50s I hope I am not around in 10 or 15 years time when 50% of the kids at UK schools are Muslim, and the population of this country is 70 or 80 million.
From a great country to live in in the 1950s and 1960s, to a shit hole by 2020.
Not the fault of the immigrants of course but succesive weak governent by the previous Tories (I can remember asylum seekers running under the channel tunnel when the tories were in power) and this Labour governement.
I find it such a shame because it COULD have been a great country if we hadn't given it away.
Re: More Money For Immigrants?
Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:07 pm
by Deuce Bigolo
I wasn't referring to the UK specifically
All migrants have problems adjusting
Whether their here illegally or legally makes very little difference
Just because the colour of your skin is similar doesn't mean their isn't a culture shock and a term of adjustment
The BNP and their ILK(Australias One Nation) live & breed on peoples fear
Whats laughable in australia is that we are all migrants but the fools can't see this,been in the sun too long