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A damn shame

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:14 pm
by Ned
but if he can't make what he wants to make here, with UK talent, good luck to him out there.

Seems a bit of an unfair swap though.

Eastern Europe gets a top notch porn producer and we get half a million plumbers and builders in exchange? Something's wrong with that picture.

Re: Rob Stone - Signing Off?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:22 pm
by Sam Slater
To be fair, I've seen a couple of porn stars inboxes over the years. They're choc-a-bloc with fucking slimy weirdos asking for escorting services, mobile numbers, free pics or used underwear..............EVERY DAY.

I know that most of the better known models just deal with proper bookings over the phone now because they usually work away from home alot, and when they get to check their mail, it's just hassle foraging through the tripe, spam, and filth to get to the honest, 'real' offers of work. Even when they get to the -what looks like- real offers, after a few e-mails they more than likely turn out to be some fat, greasy amateur who's scraped together ?400 for a Sony Handycam out of Argos and booked a room at travel lodge, hoping to get one of the girls to do unthinkable things to the name of porn of course (yeah, right.)

No wonder most girls just give up.

A lot of the girls are unprofessional, but this time I don't think Rob's taken the girls perspective into consideration......or maybe he has, but I thought I'd give the alternative view anyway.

Re: Rob Stone - Signing Off?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:09 pm
by harmonyluvver
I have to agree with a lot of what Rob says and how Officer Dibble has interpreted it. I think it is worth remembering, though, that there are some Beautiful, hard working and professional girls out there who do deserve to be called models and Rob himself does state that at the bottom of the article.
I will miss reading The Smut.
If this truly is "Game Over" I wish Rob and all involved with his enterprises well but mourn the loss of a great talent. If only people could be a little more honest and a little less about the money and status.

Re: Rob Stone - Signing Off?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:23 pm
by Lizard
"To be fair, I've seen a couple of porn stars inboxes over the years. They're choc-a-bloc with fucking slimy weirdos asking for escorting services, mobile numbers, free pics or used underwear..............EVERY DAY."

Then stop sending the fucka's SAM.

Re: Rob Stone - Signing Off?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:28 pm
by Sam Slater

Re: Rob Stone - Signing Off?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:33 pm
by Cenobitez
Well most our girls have done a fair bit for us (exclusively), but mostly for the US, which is their choice.

Lacey is brand new so hasnt done a heap for anyone else other than us, however nikki jayne is going to be massive

This is just 5 of the top results for nikki jayne off google, I dont keep track of her stuff so its not bang up to date, but her first dvd is due out in about 2-3 weeks time.

Re: Rob Stone - Signing Off?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 8:25 pm
by colonel
His piece about the hypocrisy of models willing to 'eat shit'- and good to read that it turns his stomach as much as it turns mine- is an absolute classic.

I think that I might just be 'one of the supporters on the O/T BGAFD Forum' he talks about. I hope so. And naturally, I wish him all the best. In this Philistine world, he may need it.

He even has stopped slagging off 'liberals' who oppose porn. Of course, many do- feminists, etc. But I am a 'liberal' - in the American sense, and not, FFS, in the British sense- who does support his right to do what he does without let or hindrance, or galloping hypocrisy. And there are many more of us.

In fact, if can name me ten 'conservatives' who support his work and his right to distribute his work- as opposed to hanging or whipping him[ and then enjoying it in private, the hypocritical Tory fuckers], I'll eat humble pie.

Though not one containing shit.

Re: Rob Stone - Signing Off?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:07 pm
by andy at handiwork
I'm a 'liberal' who likes porn, but I'm not sure what makes a British one as opposed to an American one.

Re: Rob Stone - Signing Off?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:08 pm
by colonel
An American liberal includes what in this country would be Labour or even Tory wets as well as Lib Dems.

I am a liberal- but not a Liberal.