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Re: Man Utd up and running

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:57 pm
by eduardo
Every sport involves luck and it is part of every game but I have never taken to the view that it evens itself out.

If sombody can prove it with some facts and figures to back this up then I'll change my mind but so far all the people I've asked just keep saying "but of course it evens itself up. It always does" argument but with no substance to their claim hence I've suggested it to be a footballing old wives tale.

I used to get annoyed with the "players always score against there old side" cliche so a couple of years ago I emailed the Opta Stats and asked them if this was true. They came back with 9% of players score against their old clubs in the first game and 34% in any game which consigned that theory to my "old wives list".

I'm not saying that I'm right or wrong on the luck issue. I'm just asking for some substance to back up the theory.

Re: Man Utd up and running

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:17 pm
by eduardo
You are trying to suggest that Chelsea were exerting some form of dominance at that time of the game hence they deserved their luck. They weren't and never were dominant at any stage.

They didn't deserve their luck but they got it, and whereas it obviously still rankles with me, it aint going to change now.

I reckon that you are trying to go down your old road of wanting to have an argument in empty room which you do seem to have a liking for and I'm not getting involved so have the floor to yourself.

Re: Man Utd up and running

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:13 pm
by davewells
'Why, because they had the nicer shirts?'

What !?

Re: Man Utd up and running

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:20 pm
by eduardo
"So how did they manage to get the ball into the Liverpool penalty area? It wasn't a pass back, was it?"

LOL. That was one move and not pressure. One move doesn't amount to pressure, particularly when the final ball like this was so far behind the intended player.

"I have never suggested Chelsea had the majority of the pressure in that game, but they made their luck in that particular move, so deserve a wee bit of credit, however much that may rankle with you."

They didn't "make" their luck in this instance. It was given to them. Unfortunately luck is part of all sports. Whether it is deserved or underserved.

"Interesting that you have immediately gone on the defensive again, just like you did with Bob last week."

I never went on the defensive with Singleton or yourself. When Singleton feels he's losing or lost a debate with anybody (which is most of the time) he either attacks the poster or rants on about Scousers, Muslims, Yorkshiremen or whatever. I suggested we have a reasonable debate but he couldn't and reverted to type which I could see coming a mile off.

I also don't have the time to argue every point with anybody and everybody.

"I don't understand why you post here at all, if you don't like being told that you are not right all the time".

I think I'm right all the time? LOL. Read some of my posts and you will see I say things like "agree to disagree" and "I stand to be corrected". Not exactly the attitude of somebody who thinks they are always right.

"It's only football, and it's only a forum".

At last we agree on something. It is only a forum.