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Re: TV programme next week
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2001 5:28 pm
by Claymore
I agree, Max Harcore's stuff is disgusting!...Christ, I sound like Mary Whitehouse, or God forbid, Ann Widecombe. But Max Harcore is a huge stick which our enemies can use to beat us with. The porn industry has a tough enough time as it is without his sort dragging it futher through the mud.
Re: TV programme next week
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2001 1:51 pm
by joe king
Friday 6 April
reading ceefax I think it said that felicity was doing porn to help support her 5 year old daughter and to gain revenge on her estranged father who turned his back on her when she was 18 years old. The program lifts the lid on sado-masochistic porn, degrading acts and exploitation. 10,000 porn movies were made in Los Angeles last year. Felcity flees from an especially scene she is doing with Max Hardcore. The program documents the practices of the Los Angeles agent 'Richard' (is that Dick nasty?)
Questions. did she sign a contract? Was she told what she was going to be done to her (physical abuse)? Are channel 4 going to show any uncensored penetration?(doubtful) Of the 10,000 porn films how many are sado-masochistic?
'Max Harcore's stuff is disgusting!...', that maybe so. But I have just seen 18 cert films 'Salo' by Pasolini (recently released). A shocking art film by a brilliant director. This has sexualized violence, degradation and shit eating, pissing (fake of course).
Another film I found hard to stomach was 'The Killing of America' a documentary about america and guns. There is true footage of murder and death. I had to stop watching after ? an hour. It is not for people with depression.
Why do a film about sado-masochism (when it is a small part of porn (how do I know?)? Because it shocks. If channel 4 do a serious documentary about 'porn' why concentrate on someone being ripped off and physically abused? An hour of people doing a bit of rumpy pumpy would just be boring?