Violent Porn Petition

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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

So you don't like it - but won't stand up and do something about it because it means telling the Government where you live?

Sorry Andy but that is a lame excuse.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by DanG »

I've signed up and encourage everybody to do the's a refreshing experience akin to giving Blair the finger right to his face, and I wholeheartedly recommend it!

EVERYBODY in the industry at whatever level should sign might think 'Oh, this only applies to the extreme fetish people' and think you're alright, but you couldn't be more wrong. After all, it could very well be argued that normal hardcore without condoms is "liable to cause serious injury or death" if one takes HIV and AIDS into account.

You can see who has and who hasn't signed up, and I have to say I'm a little disappointed at some of the more famous absentees...time for some of the UK industry's big names to man up and sign up. Perhaps we need a 'sound off' thread where people can declare that they've signed up?

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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

DanG wrote:

> You can see who has and who hasn't signed up, and I have to
> say I'm a little disappointed at some of the more famous
> absentees...time for some of the UK industry's big names to man
> up and sign up.

The silence is deafening....
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by eroticartist »


The state is not worried about violent imagery or the violence in society it has proven to cause. As long as there is no explicit sexual imagery film-makers can show murder, torture and mutilation in explicit gory detail.

They are calling it the "violent pornography" bill in order to fool the people into believing that it is legislation which will stop the violent imagery that passes as entertainment in this country. The public will support this because they are sick of violence in the media and of the sick games their children play on their XBoxes.

The biggest fear among the people is fear of violence.
Mike Freeman
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »


Joe Public may well support it and then what happens to Joe Public when he is criminalised for keeping pictures of his consenting partner which he took in his own home?

Anyone who falls foul of this law will be placed on the Sex Offenders Register for life. So the Sex Offenders Register will cease to concentrate on paedophiles and genuinely dangerous offenders, and its importance will be correspondingly diluted. Not to mention his life ruined, his job gone, his friends gone......

So should it not be the responsibility of those that know what this is about educate Joe Public and stop this piece of legislation?
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andy at handiwork
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by andy at handiwork »

I have already written letters to two newspapers, one of which was published last week in the Guardian. I will be contacting my MP with a 'the right of the individual to be free from government intrusion'angle, (he's a Tory, so that seemed the best way), I have spread the word as best I can to such places as here, Yahoo groups I'm a member of, and the like..... I did not say I wouldn't sign the petition, I was merely making a point that I was wary of giving the government those details when it has pointedly not guaranteed there will not be follow up investigations by the police.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

If you truely believe that there will be a follow up invesigation by the police for signing a petition then we already live in a police state.

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act

1. Everyone has the right of freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

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andy ide
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by andy ide »

Note to Hotmail account holders. If you try to add your signature to this it won't work. I tried two days ago, no joy, and again this afternoon. Apparently you have to wait to receive an email that's supposed to be sent automatically and then hit a link to activate it or something. But Hotmail is currently blocking delivery of this confirmation email into customers' In boxes. Apparently attempts are being made to solve the problem.
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jock »

I wouldn't be surprised if the UK adult industry supported these proposals, because of the potential protectionism it offers them; after all, the only way of being sure that material you possess doesn’t fall foul of these ridiculous proposals is to stick to their quite often censored, and invariably expensive, R18 product. Remember AITA’s shameful support for the continuation of R18 censorship on broadcast television?
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Re: Violent Porn Petition

Post by Jacques »

To be fair to AITA you can actually understand their viewpoint - whether you agree with it or not (I don't per se). R18 broadcast would (will) have serious impact on their members trade. They are set up to protect that and did what they thought best to do that.

I don't think that the UK Producers do support this - it will send them back to the days of pre-2000. But porn has alway been about and always will. And one thing that will give them the advantage, is over piracy, no more car booters ?3.00 each or 5 for a Pavorotti.

The biggest problem is with subsequent legislation, this paves the way for more and more state censorship.

Long term the Producers are in the same boat as the guy that just wants to watch it.
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