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Re: Cables and Lead

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 1:33 pm
by Jonboy
Hi Peter Cables and leads do make a difference howevr they can cost up tp ?975.00 (No Joke)
Try Chord they do one vet good reviews at ?125.00
Try They do a budget one at ?35.00
My favourite Cable ?21.00 and 3 Stage conditioner box 141.00
Hope this helps

Re: Cables and Lead

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 6:54 pm
by Arginald Valleywater
To be honest I would wait a few more months, LCD TV prices are in freefall. Plasma is dead. It also eats power, a friend of mine has a Sony Shop franchise and warned me off Plasma when Sony stopped making them a few months back.
For TVs you can't really go wrong with Sony, Phillips, Loewe, Panasonic or at the cheaper end Sharp.

Leads and speakers make a big difference plus I have oxygen free cables in my Hifi. It would be insulting to Linn and Marantz engineers not to use high end cabling.