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Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:53 am
by Jacques
It's a sad fact but people can't handle the truth.

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:48 pm
by Dopey
In all fairness, when we first went into Iraq the BBC was the most impartial news available to us- if you saw Sky/CNN/Fox/ITN their news coverage was the most deplorable one-sided propoganda I've ever seen. At least the BBC appeared to try to portray impartiality in it's reporting whilst still being seen to be supportive of our troops over there. It's a fine line it has to tread.

Personally I'd like to see all the smug fucking politicians fight it out- you can guarantee Saddam, Osama and all their political chums know how to handle a rifle far more effectively than Bush, Blair and the majority of their war-mongering cohorts. Then there wouldn't be a fucking war.

By the way, have you ever watched Al-Jazeera? Our side claims it is nothing more than a propoganda machine BUT if you try to be impartial whilst watching it (with the exception of the barbaric and utterly sick scenes of torture and beheadings) it actually portrays the war(s) far more realistically from the viewpoint of people who really just want to be left the fuck alone. It is far more realistic in it's portrayal of war and appears to me to be far less of a propoganda machine than the Western news stations mentioned above.

Re: Censorship of the War

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:45 am
by wizzzzzuk