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Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:58 am
by dom number one
Hi Mike,

Good luck wherever you decide to make your new home in Europe.
I also moved from Blighty 10 years ago, god only knows what i would be doing now if i hadnt!

I would never dream of going back and when people ask "do you miss home?" i don't know where they are refering to.

Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:32 pm
by eroticartist
Hi Keith,

I lived in Amsterdam for almost six years and loved it. I will let everyone know where I am when I get there but if it does not work out I might find my way back there.


Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:35 pm
by eroticartist
Hi Dom,
Same here I never missed Blighty one bit and I can't see myself returning. You don't mention where you are!

Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:47 pm
by dom number one
I recently moved to Spain, was in Amsterdam for 9 years but got tired of the place. Spain is great but to many english, german and dutch here. considering asia, maybe singapore, but who knows.

Where are you now Mike?

Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:00 pm
by eroticartist

I am in London at the moment. Yes I have heard that Spain is a great place for ex pats.

Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:04 pm
by dom number one
Do you wana share where your going to Mike or is it a secret?

Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:10 pm
by dom number one
which period were you in Amsters? before the Euro or after? in my opinion it went downhill after the ?. things became more strict, less friendly and the gov were trying to take away or put restrictions on all the good things that Amsters had goin for it. not to mention they stared a huge job outside my house ripping all the streets up and making a mess of the city. i lived on Oudezijds Achterburgwal which soon became a big sand pit. going back for a 6 days next week.

Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 1:15 pm
by eroticartist
It is secret at the moment but I will let you know in October.

Re: Goodbye England

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:12 pm
by dom number one
im not a bitter person but i have to agree with you. i lived amongst the dutch for long enough to have a good idea of their mentality. For the first 7 years i was there i enjoyed every minute of the place, the dutch way of putting a foreigner down slid off my back like water off a ducks. it was only when i had to go through their imigration system with my wife that i became irritated and bitter with their ways.
Then i began picking at everything i disliked about the dutch, the non existant service in shops. the petty ways of trying anything they can to save spending a penny. The morbidness of their character. the bitching behind your back.

People think that the dutch are upfront and direct, but thats not true. they are two faced and if your not in the room with them you will be the topic to piss and moan about.

I could mention about the time i got invited around for christmas dinner by some so called dutch friends and at the end of the evening found out that we would all share the price for the turkey! but i wont go into that...

When i left last year it was like a breath of fresh air and a weight off my shoulder.

The only problem is that where i moved to is also full of dutch, the worst type, the ones who have made a few quid and think they are god.

While i lived and worked in amsterdam the people i despised the most were the american tourists, fuck me they are stupid! they used to walk into my sex shop which was surrounded by 50 girls behind windows illuminated by red lights and ask me where the red light district is! it got to the point that my skin curled whenever i heard a yank voice from a distance.

But now i have the same feeling when i hear a dutch voice in my local supermarket.

When me and the missus found out about her being pregnant i made a quick descision to go for good.

Im going back next week to visit some friends, non of them dutch....