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Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:32 pm
by nasty

Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:44 pm
by tommy dickfingers
sounds like a case for mulder and scully

Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:02 pm
by NandoRick
No , it was not an inside job by the white house.

It was an inside job by a bunch of criminals from the C.I.A who were working for the "New world order" ie big daddy Bush snr

Its the same people that said they put a man on the moon then got out the american flag, for it to blow about in the moon wind ;)

Also the same cunts that shot JFK from the front (probably Bush snr that pulled the trigger)

Only the darkside of the force could make 2 planes vanish on 9/11, only the C.I.A had the tools to do the job.

I love a good conspiracy story hahahaha


Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:45 pm
by Mysteryman
Hear we go with garbage again. I've nothing against some of the theories about the US Govt involvement with the 9/11 plot BUT let's stick to reality with regard to aircraft.

1. The USAF has shown interest in the 767 - as a tanker but none have been ordered.

2. What USAF surveillance aircraft is similar to the 767? None that anyone in aviation knows about.

3. Boeing aircraft construction numbers are known. Insurers, Banks and any knowledgable civil airliner enthusiast can access the complete production list of the 767 and a complete list of owners/operators. The CIA could have hired the aircraft - they do and also operate clandestine aircraft, including a number of "shady" B757s - but aviation hobbyists are worldwide, they have cameras and a worldwide info network and these aircraft are noted and known. If an aircraft "disappears" from the known list, a witch hunt ensues and it always turns up.

12 days ago a Gulfstream 3 arrived at Shannon in an executive colour scheme with a call sign that had not been heard at Shannon before. It bore no national marks, had just a three figure number on the tail and was missing windows and had extra doors. It took precisely 25 minutes for the aircraft to be identified as being operated (illegally because of the lack of markings) by the US Naval Air Logistics Office and its full identity and history to be known.

Bubo, use your brain. If the aircraft crashing into the towers were not owned and operated by United and American, what happened to the aircraft that were rostered for those flights which have never been seen since? What happened to the crews and the passengers?

It would be far easier for a government inspired plot to do exactly what is "known" about 9/11 than to have to use "special" aircraft, make other aircraft, crews and passengers "disappear" and cover up all the actions that would be needed to have them disappear.

As for the "blisters" you mention, you are either deceiving yourself or need your eyes testing.

Independant analysis of the films by seasoned investigators have positively identified the aircraft as bog standard B767s

Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:48 pm
by one eyed jack
Who knows? Its like did OJ really kill his missus...Is Michael Jackson really a kiddy fiddler?

My mind runs riot at the thought it was sanctioned and wouldnt be surprised if Osama was in cahoots with the Bush administration to keep him in power when his popularity was declining on the run up to 9/11...But then Fahrenheit 911 didnt help things much either but before people point fingers and claim conspiracy unless you really know the truth how can you make assumptions.

Everyone has a gut feeling who the bad guy is but no one really knows. It just boils down to an entetaining debate for conspiracy theorists....Me amongst em. But I reckon I watch too many movies to really know.

Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:28 am
by steve56
and of course the diana death?one eyed jack wrote:

> Who knows? Its like did OJ really kill his missus...Is Michael
> Jackson really a kiddy fiddler?
> My mind runs riot at the thought it was sanctioned and wouldnt
> be surprised if Osama was in cahoots with the Bush
> administration to keep him in power when his popularity was
> declining on the run up to 9/11...But then Fahrenheit 911 didnt
> help things much either but before people point fingers and
> claim conspiracy unless you really know the truth how can you
> make assumptions.
> Everyone has a gut feeling who the bad guy is but no one really
> knows. It just boils down to an entetaining debate for
> conspiracy theorists....Me amongst em. But I reckon I watch too
> many movies to really know.

Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:04 am
by Flat_Eric
Mysteryman wrote:


Yes, sad isn't it. For some reason this "new" (yawn!) topic keeps cropping up periodically on forums such as this.



That's the fundamental question that all the crackpot conspiracy theorists always forget (or more likely conveniently ignore) each and every time.

Just like the old chestnut "there's no meaningful footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon - ergo, no plane could have hit the Pentagon".

Never mind the fact that HUNDREDS of eyewitnesses SAW an airliner hit the Pentagon. Or were these hundreds of people all government plants?! And once again - if it wasn't AA Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon, then what happened to that plane and all those on board?? And what about all the calls made by some passengers on ALL the flights to their loved ones during the hijackings, describing what was going on??? And from the flight attendants to the ground controllers?

And as for the great leap of logic about the "sound of bangs coming from below the point of impact - it must have been controlled explosions", that one always makes me laugh!!

Personally I'd be amazed if such noises HADN'T been reported - given the immense trauma and the resulting fires that the towers had suffered as a result of being hit by fuel-laden jets at over 500 mph. As if shit was only going to happen at the actual point of impact - gimme a break!! There'd have been all sorts of physical forces and solid-borne sounds (i.e noise travelling up & down through beams, columns etc.) reverberating up and down the entire structures. There'd also have been dry walls collapsing, fixtures & ceilings falling. Not to mention the fires which themselves would have caused yet more physical stresses and additional racket.

But no matter what evidence is staring them square in the face, the point is that the conspiracy theorist nerds actually WANT it to be a conspiracy, and in their desperation they invent all this "wishful thinking" bullshit, and / or try to tell us that it was all done with stickytape and mirrors. So you'll never be able to convince them otherwise.

If there IS any conspiracy over 9/11, it's a conspiracy to conceal inaction, indecision and incompetence on the part of the authorities. It may not be as "exciting" or "controversial" as the more outlandish claims that the Bush Administration or Mossad, or the CIA or the "New World Order" or my Auntie Gladys (take your pick) were behind it all. But it makes far more sense.

Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:19 am
by Flat_Eric
Bubo wrote:


Sorry Bubo - no blisters whatsoever. Just checked several sources.

Just a wild guess, but perhaps you saw your "magnified stills" on some conspiracy theory Web site where someone had obligingly PaintShopped them in for you?!

Re: Was 9/11 an inside job by the White House ?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:29 am
by mrmcfister
No it was mass murder by a bunch of twats.The world is full of twats.Some twats think that 9/11 was an inside job...for fuck's sake wake up !And guess what? Princess Di was killed because she got into a car driven by a bloke who was drunk.And Neil Armstrong really did go to moon.And crop circles are made by people with planks of wood.And there is no God.And shit happens every minute of the day etc etc.