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Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:48 am
by Snake Diamond
I was listening to the Radio, bored with the Stupid crap on my Local Radio Station, so I browsed the BBC Radio Stations, caught a convo about the heat in this weather, so i listened to it, then that MP raved on about the fact of men going topless & he wants it ALL Banned.

Now, yes to a certain degree, i can accept & partially agree with the points raised here about Fat/Bald/Chav/etc but NOT ALL men who go topless are like that. I agree that a guy who's about 380Lbs, Bald, look like the back of a Bus in a Nuclear War Zone will NOT look that appertising to most ladies.

OK, so it might not be quite right to wander in & out of supermarkets or city centre's without a top, but that doesn't mean we (males) should be banned permanenly, just cause we like to go without a top in the Hot Weather.

What about the slimmer guys who want to cool off & DO NOT look like the back end of a bus ?

As some1 who likes going topless, I think he is a fucking fruitcake. OK, so at the moment I am a lil overweight, NOT a Fat Cunt mind you, I don't see anything wrong in going topless.

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:54 am
by Snake Diamond
insanechicken wrote:

> I think it'd be alot better to implement a law that states the
> everyone should go topless if the temperature goes over at
> certain level.
> Then it'd be ok !wink!
> There'd be topless lediz everywhere !happy!


I'd fucking love to see that !grin!

Our American cousins have got at least something right on that count.

I was watching a programme recently on US & UK Laws, although the Cops in New York can come over to you & ask you to cover-up, Male or Female, (ONLY if they receive more than 3 complaints).

It is NO LONGER classed as Illegal, or Indecent Exposure, to go around WITHOUT a top on, so now both Females & Males can walk around without any form of clothing on their upper bodies in New York.

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:14 pm
by Jock Strap
Look it's very simple.
If you're a lady and you're fit then it is in the national interest for you to wear as little as possible. I cannot emphasise this enough.
If you are a bloke and you have 1 ounce of fat on your body - forget it. I just don't want to see it. I am a fat cunt and I have the sense not to expose you to my body. I expect the same courtesy from you.

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:15 pm
by planeterotica
> Our American cousins have got at least something right on that
> count.
> I was watching a programme recently on US & UK Laws, although
> the Cops in New York can come over to you & ask you to
> cover-up, Male or Female, (ONLY if they receive more than 3
> complaints).
> It is NO LONGER classed as Illegal, or Indecent Exposure, to go
> around WITHOUT a top on, so now both Females & Males can walk
> around without any form of clothing on their upper bodies in
> New York.

Its not illegal to be naked in public in the UK unless someone complains and then the police have to ask you to get dressed and if you refuse they can then arrest you, it is of course an offence to flash your bits with the intention of causing offence, but it would be nice to see more girls going topless!love!

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 2:41 pm
by IdolDroog
No one seems to have mentioned yet quite what a massive infringement on our freedom that could be. I hate the idea of things like this because its just another example of restrictions being placed on us.

Tru, its mostly fat or skinny guys who DO actually do it and its not a nice sight, but just the idea that any of us guys COULDNT take our tops of is really over the top and nazi-ish. What next - banned ugly people? Hmm, maybe he IS onto something,...

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:15 pm
by Jock Strap
I saw a naked man cycling through London on Saturday.
Made me laugh.

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:10 pm
by planeterotica
Jock Strap wrote:

> I saw a naked man cycling through London on Saturday.
> Made me laugh.
I have cycled naked through London more than once on the Naked Bike Ride where you get people of all shapes and sizes including me!love!

Re: Topless Men in Summer, to be BANNED!

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:44 pm
by Lizard
I have been busy dibbs. nice link btw. I am finding as I get older I am less tolerant of British society, all these shaven headed, tatooed babymen roaming the streets dressed the same as their 4 year old sons makes me puke quite frankley, along with android looking chicks with the same tats and ironwork all over their body etc!! trying to be men....
Grumpy eld fucka...aint I ????