Sarah's Law

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Re: Sarah's Law

Post by DavidS »

I've not seen any posts in this thread suggesting that the sexual abuse of children is in any way acceptable. All the majority of contributors have said is that the so called Sarah's Law is not the best way of dealing with it. Most people believe that the way of dealing with child abusers is, once convicted. to lock them up for a long time.
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Re: Sarah's Law

Post by Flat_Eric »

DavidS wrote:


To which Flat_Eric replies:

What a weird thing to say. Or would you actually expect to see posts condoning child abuse??

If you meant to say that "the sexual abuse of children is UNacceptable", I'd have thought that went without saying.

DavidS also wrote:


To which Flat_Eric replies:

Errrrrr ...... yes. That seems to be the general concensus. I'm not quite sure what it is you're trying to say here, David.
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Re: Sarah's Law

Post by mike,,hunt »

mart i'm not picking here but how do they go underground because of megans law ,surely its always been underground .
Bob Singleton
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Re: Sarah's Law

Post by Bob Singleton »

mike,,hunt wrote:

> mart i'm not picking here but how do they go underground
> because of megans law ,surely its always been underground .

Registered sex offenders have to inform the police of their whereabouts, usually have a curfew and often have to sign-in at a local police station.

When they are "outed" by the media they tend to hide. This means the police no longer know where they are and they are then more likely to re-offend.

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Re: Sarah's Law

Post by eroticartist »

Hi Dynatech,

There is a lot of truth in what you say. However stranger danger, and wanting to know where paedophiles live are products of media frenzy. It is a fact that most sexual abuse of childen happens within the family,relatives
family and friends. In other word ,"stranger danger," is mainly a media construct.

In the Fifies everyone knew who the paedophiles were: people like the vicar, doctor,scoutmaster and so on. They were not dangerous or predatory, merely figures of fun to us children. Some of us were already homosexual and that is to whom these boy lovers were attracted to. I had two sisters as well who knew of teachers who liked young girls, or dirty old men who hung around as they played netball!

It is a biological fact that paedophiles have always existed. Now they have been demonised as being synonymous with child killers when in fact they are sometimes the antithesis.

Mike Freeman.
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Re: Sarah's Law

Post by mart »

I mean they try to evade being put on a register or do a runner from their registered address. At least thats what I understand the speaker on radio to be saying.

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Re: Sarah's Law

Post by DavidS »

Eric you have completely misunderstood my post. It has to be read in conjunction with randyandy's.
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Re: Sarah's Law

Post by randyandy »

You've changed my phrase of giving excuses for child abuse to your own of finding it in any way acceptable DavidS.
