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Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay out.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:53 pm
by mart
"Pornography (or porn) is the representation of the human body or human sexual behaviour with the goal of sexual arousal."
No more, no less.
End of debate.


Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay ou

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:41 pm
by Sam Slater
H Steele wrote:

[quote]It's a dicussion on Pornography vs. X vs. Erotica.[/quote]

Null & void....... I see your 'X' and 'Erotica' as elements within pornography.

Taken from the English Oxford Dictionary:

[quote]pornography 1. the explicit description or exhibition of sexual activity in literature, film etc., intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.[/quote]

H Steele wrote:

[quote]Porn's purpose is to suit no other function then to slap society in the face and cause it to question it's position on tabou subjects.[/quote]

Who says? You? Ask anyone whom buys pornographic material and they'll tell you that porn's purpose is 90% to show sexual acts. The other 10% may show scat or some other brutish acts but 'sexual acts' get the majority hands down.

The only reason pornography shocked society in the past was due to people's reaction to the sex acts themselves. Some arab cutting off someones head with a knife would shock most people, so according to your rules, it's classed as porn, the arab being the talent eh? Of course this act doesn't shock people who perform these murderous acts so it isn't porn to them, only to us whom are shocked by it?

I wish we could go back in time. Maybe you could have told everyone involved in Auschwitz to relax when watching their family members gassed. Maybe ask the guards for some popcorn & coke while they watch the pornographic show the Nazi's were kindly putting on for them? I mean, whats more shocking than watching your wife & children burn to death?

I'm sorry but I tried really hard to give a serious answer. I started off pretty well too. I find it really hard to refrain from calling you derogatory names but I'll leave that to you Mr Hamilton.

The world would seriously be a sick place if we publicised more 'orgish' acts on television. Peoples minds would certainly be desensatized. After a few years in concentration camps, prisoners sat waiting for friends to die after a while. Maybe because their friend had shoe's & clothing that would keep the frost out better than their own. They were so used to seeing death and torture it just didn't shock anymore......

I'll go out on a limb here and suggest your views are 100% correct. This would then mean that BGAFD has nothing to do with pornography and is mainly an 'X' site with an 'X' forum with a little 'erotica' thrown in. You seem more interested in pornography so why not find yourself a nice 'orgish' message board to 'play' with your buddies? Why not set yourself on fire & hit yourself over the head with a nice thick lump of wood with nails sticking out? You REAL pornography should be!

Seriously now you have to stop posting your views. I have never felt anger and humor at such high levels all at once. My diaphragm is killing me here...... !laugh!

Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay ou

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:42 pm
by Sam Slater
mart, mart, mart........

You're soooo normal............... thank you........


Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay ou

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:54 pm
by Kelly Steele
Sam Slater wrote:

> Seriously now you have to stop posting your views. I have never
> felt anger and humor at such high levels all at once. My
> diaphragm is killing me here...... !laugh!


All your rhetoric means nothing except for this last statment. You can't decide to be pissed off or entertained. Which tells me that even the words I have written today are considered pornographic.

Do people still use diaphrams?

Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay ou

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:08 pm
by Sam Slater
H Steele wrote:

[quote]Do people still use diaphrams?[/quote]

If you want to breath, yes.......

Oh my're too much now.........oh dear........ !laugh!

H Steele wrote:

[quote]Ghandi. As I recall he was a shit disturber[/quote]

A ''shit disturber''? !laugh! Stop it!, Stop it!, Stop it!!!!! Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.........boing, boing, boing, boing!

Come on now...... Off to bed for some nice hot milk & biscuits !laugh!

Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay ou

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:25 pm
by Kelly Steele
Sam Slater wrote:

> H Steele wrote:
> [quote]Do people still use diaphrams?[/quote]
> If you want to breath, yes.......
> Oh my're too much now.........oh
> dear........ !laugh!
> H Steele wrote:
> [quote]Ghandi. As I recall he was a shit disturber[/quote]
> A ''shit disturber''? !laugh! Stop it!, Stop it!, Stop it!!!!!
> Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.........boing, boing, boing,
> boing!
> Come on now...... Off to bed for some nice hot milk & biscuits
> !laugh!

Oh he was a shit disturber and if I recall the British... IE: You blokes. Had some serious issues and the term "shit disturber" was used by many of your heads of parliment.

But then again, I get the distinct feeling that you haven't really studied your country's past. Especially in relation to it's common wealth nations.

So let me get you started with a quote I found from a quick google search.

"Gandhi too was called a 'troublemaker' by the British authorities, but they were able to come to terms at the end of the colonial era with much less trouble, and much more dignity, than any of the other Imperial powers,
because of Gandhi."

Source: ... dcivil.htm

If calm and intelligent dialog about a difference of opinion is what you seek, I'm happy to oblige.

But if you're seeking an argument, next time try a strong attack than repeating "Cukoo." I make a living from being confrontational and I rarely loose.

Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay ou

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:27 pm
by Sam Slater
Mr Steele,

I found it funny not because the British never saw Ghandi as a troublemaker. (he was to the current British government) I was laughing at the term you used. I think you mean ''shit stirrer'' not ''shit disturber''. IE a ''shit stirrer'' stir's up trouble, not disturbs trouble.

So please don't bother googling for proof about an argument when you didn't even know which part of the argument I was poking fun at. I wasn't looking for an argument but it seems through your own assumptions on where my fun was pointed, that I would have won anyway.

I hope that cleared up any confusion though a have a strong feeling it won't have.........

Thanks for the laughs though !laugh!

Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay ou

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:54 pm
by mart
Sam, I think Kelly knows what a shit-stirrer is since she seems to do a lot of


Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay out.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:59 pm
by randyandy
At the risk of offending you and then getting a mention on your site I have to say your talking bollocks.

I would give a long reply but we have to be nice and to be honest I can't be arsed.

Re: Controversial topic. Can't be an adult stay ou

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:14 pm
by Sam Slater aint wrong!