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Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 12:36 pm
by Spook
"We are all bored shitless hearing what a terrible hard life every minority gets in the world."

Well you may be bored by it - but until some reasonable explanation can be provided as to why black people are eight times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people then its going to take more than your blustering about extremist PC-Liberals looking for non-existant problems to convince me that there are no issues to be addressed.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 1:36 pm
by eduardo
Obviously there are two sides to every story and I can see valid points from both sides but I am more inclined to go with strictly broadband on this one.

I have had many dealings with the old bill over the years both socially and the fact that I have got myself in trouble. I can safely say that I am yet to meet a decent copper and I have all but given up hope that I will ever do so.

Just because I haven't met one doesn't mean that they don't exist. Ace's wife etc might be one. I don't know as I haven't met her but all the coppers that I have met have been lying, kiniving, devious gits. As bad and sometimes worse than the people that they've knicked.

All I've ever asked is for them to be fair. If I did something wrong then I wouldn't complain. I'd hold my hands up. But it's the amount of times that I got hassled and they tried to stitch up me and many of my friends for things that were nothing to do with us. This does go on and on a much larger scale than some of you would think.

I can safely say that I have never met a fair copper.

A local police team used to share our cricket clubhouse and listening to them babble when they had consumed some alcohol was amazing. They weren't interested who was innocent or guilty, only who they could nick.

Just because this copper attacked this motorist doesn't make every copper racist, the same as every scouser isn't a burglar, or every Londoner a wide boy. Generalisation is wrong.

However the old bill get a lot of stick from alot of areas and much of it, for me, is justified.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 6:27 pm
by eduardo
On the contrary I have had my house burgled. You know what the police did? Fuck all. It took 4 calls and a persistance on the last call to even get them to come out as I needed them to do so, so as to make an insurance claim.

They didn't want to come out because they either thought they couldn't find who did it and couldn't be bothered to try. Or they might just have hoped that I got fed up and not reported it and therefore it wouldn't show up on their statistics. Probably a case of both in my opinion. Lazy gits.

As for the no smoke without fire then I've never claimed to be an angel and I was a bit of a lad in my younger days. I got nicked for some minor offences and one more serious offence which I went to prison for. You know I learnt my lesson from the last one and changed my life but the old bill (and probably people like you) don't ever believe that people can change and the old bill continue to hassle you.

Oh and as for complaining about it then why? All you get then is hassled some more and more and it only makes it worse.

Which brings me to your point about "the average man in the street has NEVER been stitched up by a copper".

I've heard some crap on this forum before but that's the biggest load of ballocks I've ever heard. Either you say that just to provoke a reaction, which lets face it most of your posts are like, or you are so amazingly naive but then as with most of the posts on this forum then you always seem to believe you have all the answers to every question.

Do yourself an occasional favour and step outside of your front door and you might just see the real world. It's one that I live in and maybe you might like to try it sometime.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 6:55 pm
by perihelion
there is no doubt in my mind that some cozzers are utter bastards - i have been on the wrong end of a few, probably my fault though being fair. Then again - you get those type of people in all walks of life - on site, in offices, in supermarkets - wherever - its not exclusive to the police force.

The simple fact is that the old bill are bogged down with so much red tape and bullshit its pretty hard for them to do anything these days without offending someone.
In London where im based, im seeing more and more fresh faced spotty little school leavers walking round in copper uniforms - look at that poor female copper that got attacked recently - she looked about 15 years old, god only knows how these poor people deal with serious situations when they arise. Long gone are the days when coppers were 6ft + had flat noses and gave you a slap round the back of the head for being gobby - not politically correct these days - but fuck me, it worked, when i was growing up we had a bit of respect for them, and if we fucked them about, we knew what we would get.

For me personally, racism does not work both ways.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:13 am
by Spook
Well it could have been a channel 4 documentary - but it is actually a home office statistic. So not exactly "my estimate", and why is the figure "crap" as you so eloquently put it?

For someone who is so bored by hearing about anything concerning ethnic minorities, I'm surprised that this well reported piece of news managed to pass you by.

The PCA think that this is a problem - you seem to take the line that the problem is even discussing the issue which is a display of the kind of PC liberal obsession that is damaging the country.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:46 am
by strictlybroadband
Where do I start... I didn't say that all police are racist - but many are, and it's tolerated in many forces, so becomes part of the culture. I grew up in West London: about 75% of my schoolmates were black. At that time, it seemed like the Met had declared open season on black people, especially young black men... hence the 1981 and 1985 riots.

At the time I was at school, the SUS law was in place. If you're too young to remember, SUS went like this: the police could arrest anyone who looked suspicious. So they arrested whoever they felt like.

You mention Winston Silcott - he was long ago cleared (on appeal) of the charge of murdering PC Blakelock. He was fitted up: a black man did it, so a black man went to prison for it. The fact that he didn't do it was of no concern to the police, court or tabloid press, which found him instantly guilty. And you demonstrate that people still believe old myths. Silcott has spent his life being harassed and arrested by the North London police - and the real killer(s) of Blakelock were never brought to trial.

It would be worth discussing further if you had any of your facts straight, but you clearly don't. If you still think that Silcott was guilty of that murder, you have 20 years of catching up to do.

Re: British bobbies are the world's best

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:20 pm
by strictlybroadband
Rather than admit you made a factual error, you keep digging. You claimed that Silcott murdered PC Blakelock, whereas he was freed in the court of appeal.

You're also wrong in the subsequent events.

The two scandals that came from the murder of PC Blakelock were 1) the brutal murder of a policeman (he was hacked to death) and 2) the fact that his "colleagues" used the murder to frame a guy they didn't like (Silcott) rather than bring the real murderer to justice. In trying to back up your support of the police, you picked an incident that exposes their nastiest side. Try to find an example that backs up your views, or just stop digging.

And if you want to go back a bit further, you'll find that Blakelock was murdered during a riot triggered by violent, racist policing - hardly a good example to back up your case.