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Re: UK Police service

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 11:57 pm
by Officer Dibble
Totally irresponsible I know, but I say bollocks to speed limits, speed cameras and all the rest of it. Speed limits are OK for boring bastards, Guardian readers, beige MPV drivers, and holier than thou, public sector sorts. Jeez, these middleclass, politically correct, health safety fascists are turning us into a nation of neutered, emasculated, Nancy boys. T? fuck wiv ?em, I say! These PC nonces are trying to crush the spirit of the great British male, to turn us into ?new men? ? apron wearing pansy boys, in touch with their feminine side. Eunuchs who will think they are being really naughty and daring if their Fiat Panda creeps over 30 MPH on an urban dual carriageway. Fuck that. I don?t want to live in their ?beige new world? of unbridled ponciness. Geezers need to be geezers.

But before anyone points out the dangers and suggests I wouldn?t be saying that if I?d been in an accident, let me just confide that I been in loads. I was a veritable Evel K-fucking-nivel in my day. Rarely a week went by without me totalling a Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha, Mini Cooper or RS 2000. In fact, I was such a frequent visitor to the local hospital, that I had a bed reserved in their orthopaedic unit! Yes, the grim reaper's scythe nicked me on more than one occasion, I can tell yer.

Hey, I?m not suggesting that everyone should go tearing about with reckless abandon. Just that we shouldn?t get hung up on the speed issue and recognise that those who espouse speed limits and speed cameras are, for the most part, earnest, middleclass, Guardian reading, toss pots, who, in line with their poncy political dogma, wish to put all of Britain?s once proud geezers in touch with their, risk averse, Nancy boy, feminine side.

Officer Dibble

Re: UK Police service

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:47 am
by Officer Dibble
The police are now a set of politically correct, risk averse, twats. But it's their political masters, civil servants and public sector bureaucrats, who have made them like that. Don't expect much interest from the police if the local chavs and scumbags are making your life a misery. Leaning on chavs is not a police priority (not a guardian readers' priority, that is). No, in this poncy brave new world the old bill will be much more interested in leaning on you, the average British citizen. They know that generally law-abiding citizens are easy to intimidate and they pay their fines. This is because Joe Average has built up a modest stake in society - maybe a small family, a new car and a mortgage. It's been such a struggle that Joe won't want to jeopardise it all by thumbing his nose at the law - no matter how, stupid, poncy, and unjust. He's much more likely to go quietly and pay those iniquitous speed camera fines without a murmur. On the other hand, most chavs haven?t got the requisite brains to build up even a modest stake in society, consequently, they have no dough to pay fines and nothing much to lose by thumbing their noses at the law. So, the new model Old Bill, and their Guardian reading bosses go after Joe 'Sucker' Average. Yes, poor old Joe Average, he's already paid the old bill's wages by way of taxes on his modest income, but then, seeing that he's such a soft touch, they levy more taxes in the way of fines!

What about the recent case of the two dying sisters who had been shot by an ex partner? They lay bleeding to death for an hour and the old bill just left them there, because of all the cuntish rules, regulations, and procedures beloved of modern bureaucrats and Guardian readers. Because of the 'blame culture' (fostered by Guardian readers, public sector knobs and wanky newspapers) they were all too scared to go near the scene of the crime in case they made a cock up and someone else got hurt, Instead, it was left to a little old lady from next door to tend the dying girls for over an hour! What a set of twats, eh? This never would have happened in Jack Regan's day, would it? Him ?n? George would have been in there; Beretta?s drawn, in a flash.

If you want to see what a load of PC tossers the police are nowadays you've only got to look at their poster boy - Sir Ian Blair! What a twat - he seems to think his job is to be pompous and arrogant to the indigenous population, but then prostrate himself before any and every minging minority in the land!

Officer Dibble

Re: UK Police service

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:45 am
by mrmcfister
Att'n Dave Wells

A couple of recently orphaned kids from Bradford may disagree....?

Re: UK Police service

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:18 pm
by davewells
I have every sympathy with those poor children my freind but it doesn't detract from the point of the debate and indeed in todays modern society it kind of goes with the job.

Re: UK Police service

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:47 pm
by chatterji
Well spotted Ra-Ra-Rasputin, I have kept many of my spots. What I hope I imply, however, is that there is everything wrong with The Sun-worshipping members of society, as distinct from the working-class. The very term is out-moded though, obviously, as all classes work these days, and access to money and opportunity is possible for people from all backgrounds. I'm proud of where I came from but it also means that I'm happy to make harsh judgements about my own class. Why? Because I don't buy the excuses that the middle-classes do, for my 'tribe's' lack of achievement and inexcusable behaviour. It makes me spit that the so-called Labour Party has encouraged a blame-culture rather than a responsibility-culture, and I speak as a lifelong Labour voter. No one gets on if they don't graft, and if they don't accept that achievement is hard.

In terms of evidence for my claims about police forces, the stats are there. I've seen them, as part of what I used to do. The number of complaints against French police for assault is enormous, especially down South. As for Italy, judicial and police corruption is endemic and accepted by Italians with a shrug. They expect little more.

I worked in Berlin for a year, (what a town!) and have had a couple of extremely delicious German girlfriends. My comments weren't based on bigotry, but personal experience...which may amount to the same thing. They do respect authority more than we do. Walk across a street when the red man is still on and expect to be tutted at by the older generation. Simple as that. I've got a lot of time for the modern German way of life but surprise, surprise, being a different culture they're culturally different to us.

The reason tube-drivers are so overpaid has little to do with responsibility or skill-levels, and everything to do with union power. Junior doctors earn less. Go figure.

Enough self-justification from me. Back to talking about tits 'n' arse.

Re: UK Police service

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:31 pm
by oscar
I actually agree with your argument but until we develop a test to distinguish between good drivers and idiots we're stuck with speed limits. In a survey by Max Power, 86% of 17-24 year olds think they're good drivers. By which they probably mean its OK for then to travel down the motorway at 100mph, with 18 inches between them and the car in front, 'cos its everyone else who's dangerous.

Re: UK Police service

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:17 pm
by MisterC
Officer Dibble wrote:

> If you want to see what a load of PC tossers the police are
> nowadays you've only got to look at their poster boy - Sir Ian
> Blair! What a twat - he seems to think his job is to be pompous
> and arrogant to the indigenous population, but then prostrate
> himself before any and every minging minority in the land!
> Officer Dibble

I wonder if he's related to his namesake?

A lot of similarities....