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Re: Man given ?80.00 fine for saying f.all

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:07 pm
by Bob Singleton
chatterji wrote:

> Sigh. IF this story is even true, rather than a lame defence
> mounted by the swearee, I'm all in favour of something being
> done about the incredible levels of 'language' and rudeness
> that people seem to think are acceptable in public these days.
> Obviously Bliar's usual lip-service approach is doomed to
> failure, but when did it become acceptable for people to call
> each 'cunt' casually and spit in the streets? I grew up on a
> shit-hole of an estate in the '70s and if we'd talked or
> behaved like that we'd have been given a talking to, or
> something more, to remind us to mind our manners. My mate's dad
> was in the navy and swore like...a sailor, but he would have
> belted us if we'd talked like that in public.
> The other day my girlfriend was getting out of her car and
> smiled at a girl of about 15 who was cycling past. The girl
> smiled back and said, 'What you looking at, cunt?' We live in a
> rich area so perhaps it was a natural class-hate reaction, as
> the girl was Burberry'd up...which is another thing I hate,
> everyone's so envious.
> I'm a working-class boy made good, and I always found it an
> incentive as I grew up that there were those who had better
> lives. I wanted to get one for myself. I didn't think I had to
> give anyone with more than me abuse or a good kicking.
> Society's never had more and yet people have never wanted to
> have more. Taking it, rather than earning it, seems to be be
> the preferred mode of social advancement these days. I'm only
> 38. I shouldn't feel so out of step with society and so fucking
> angry at the weak, lillylivered, lazy nation we've become,
> where we've allowed the dregs to take power on the street. I'll
> stop now. I'm beginning to sound like the bastard offspring of
> Travis Bickle and Maggie Thatcher.


Re: Man given ?80.00 fine for saying f.all

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 9:02 am
by colonel
Blimey- someone who agrees with me