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Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:13 am
by eroticartist
Okay Dean,
But why is the state so tolerant of the intolerant?!hmmm!

Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:04 pm
by eroticartist
Think of all the little Muslim children in Iraq today. They all worship the same god and they look the same.Today they will play together, tomorrow they will learn that that they are Shia or Sunni and want to kill each other.
The adultswill poison their minds.
Mike Freeman

Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:11 am
by harmonyluvver
"The adults will poison their minds."

I think that phrase sums up this whole thread perfectly. As with all things its the scum bags behind who seize on some way of controlling or feeding their own sick desires. Surely some of the blame has to be placed on the general public who allow themselves to be fooled or controlled. Religion is just another get out clause for people who have no real back up for their actions. People have to learn to think for themselves then neither religion or politics will cloud their minds. Anyone who hurts a child no matter what the motive should face the most severe penalties, not just religious nuts.

Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:24 pm
by davewells
ALL religion should be banned. Except football of course !

Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:41 pm
by oscar
Umm ... I believe that religion has been used to justify a lot of wars. I can't remember the bit in the new testament bible where it says turn the other cheek, except towards unbelievers and heretics. Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan didn't need the excuse. William the Conqueror wouldn't have invaded England if Harold hadn't broken an oath taken on some holy relics ... yeah right. If some powermad nutter can't use religion as an excuse then another pretext will be found.

Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 1:46 pm
by oscar
My main objection to the teaching of religion is that I don't want my kids loving their neighbours, being good samaritans and turning the other cheek when everybody else is living in a me me me world. If they want to teach the kids philosophy and the benefits of people respecting each other then I would be more in favour.

Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 10:37 am
by eroticartist
Hi Harmony,

I don't think that religious believers are "scumbags" but mentally ill people.
They believe in other men who claim to have heard God speaking to them in their heads!
Mike Freeman

Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 6:43 pm
by fudgeflaps
Sorry, eroticartist, but you are spewing shite. You 'contribution' sounds like a piss-take to give you the benefit of the doubt. If not, here's my 2p......

To deny a child a grounding in some sort of faith, or to undergo the ultimate cop-out, the "I'll wait until they are 16 and they can decide then" argument is identical to denying your child to speak your mother tongue.

Therefore, by comparison, are you saying that as we shouldn't teach them religion, we shouldn't impose the English language on them? Just as there are many different languages on the planet as there are religions, faiths and races then why not bring up your child speaking Yiddish, Pakistani or Swahili? Fuck it, I'm not bringing you up as a catholic, but you will speak Brazilian?

So, why not deny a child of ALL developmental input? We'll not teach them religion, a language or anything else. They can decide when they are older what they want...........

.........then they might just end up like you.


Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:08 pm
by eroticartist
Hi Oscar,
I try to love my neighbours and I do turn the other cheek where women and children and the weak are concerned.!love!

Re: Protect children from religion?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:32 am
by eroticartist
Hi Fudgeflaps,

You seem a very angry man!!furious! I have said that religion is analogous to racism and is divisive.
I have not stated that one should not teach a child one's language and it is not the same as indoctrinating a child with a religion.

In any case a child naturally learns its mother tongue.

Mike Freeman